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A Killing Frost

Tekijä: Seanan McGuire

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: October Daye (14)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
3961364,716 (4.2)15
Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:Now in hardcover, the fourteenth novel of the Hugo-nominated, New York Times-bestselling Toby Daye urban fantasy series
When October is informed that Simon Torquillâ??legally her father, due to Faerie's archaic marriage traditionsâ??must be invited to her wedding or risk the ceremony throwing the Kingdom in the Mists into political turmoil, she finds herself setting out on a quest she was not yet prepared to undertake for the sake of her future.... and the man who represents her family's… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatGheevette, kbchrist, emeraldik, JoRob01, Kaczencja, marinaizra, CJ_77

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» Katso myös 15 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
All Toby was planning was dinner with Tybalt which was interrupted by finding out that in order to marry properly she had to have her legal father there. Simon, who has forgotten all his improvements and most of his life. For the sake of her future she has to find him and soon, but of course he's back in the clutches of the one woman who had corrupted him. And things are very very complicated.
There's also the matter of Officer Thornton and Toby does something almost unforgivable without explaining herself. That's going to cause issues later. ( )
  wyvernfriend | May 3, 2023 |
Another solid entry in the October Daye series. Toby has to go on a quest to get rid of a potential obstacle to her marrying Tybalt. May, Quentin, and Spike accompany her. They get help from unexpected places. We learn a lot more about fae marriage and inheritance customs.

This is one of the queerest books in the series. That said, i wish that people in relationships had more time together, instead of being separated due to plot. ( )
  tornadox | Feb 14, 2023 |
Review to come. The novella at the end sheds some light on people’s actions in the main part of the book.

This book wraps up some long-standing threads and does go back to some earlier books. The wedding planning for Toby and Tybalt nuptials start the book and propel Toby to follow a piece of Fae Law that could give her issues if she doesn’t know about it. What it does do is set Toby on a new quest. I don’t want to even hint at what happens but it is great book for fans that have enjoyed the previous ones. Is it the best book to start, no since there is a lot going on but there is enough info weaved through the story that a new reader would not be lost. I really enjoyed the ending and the novella at the end of the book gives more depth to an event that happens in the very last part of the book.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley
( )
  Glennis.LeBlanc | Jan 4, 2023 |
I really love this series. In this latest episode, lots of story lines get finalized and tied off, which is always satisfying. And some great big new story lines were started.

Definitely not a stand alone book, but a really good addition to the series. ( )
  sriddell | Aug 6, 2022 |
I thoroughly enjoyed this book even though I have some issues with it. It is plain to see just why this series has gone on as long as it has. The characters are interesting, the action is exciting, and the world that it is set in is intriguing.

I cannot say that October (the main character) has grown all that much. October is still rashly rushing out into dangers unknown with sometimes calamitous results. This time, although the risks are dire, the results were terrific.

I suggest that if this book has piqued your curiosity and you are a first-time reader, you may want to start at the beginning. And this bit of advice brings me to the reason that I had an issue with this book. There are so many secondary and tertiary characters plus discussions of characters that we haven't seen since the beginning. I feel like I need some help in keeping all these people straight. Perhaps a brief synopsis of the characters at the beginning of the future books.

Another issue I had is that there seemed to be a lot of padding this time. But no matter, because not every book is going to hit the 100% mark for everyone all of the time!

As I said, I thoroughly enjoyed this edition of the series, and I am looking forward to more of them.

*ARC supplied by the publisher and author. ( )
  Cats57 | Sep 17, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Seanan McGuireensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Auerbach, AdamKannen suunnittelijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
McGrath, ChrisKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Spencer, PriscillaMapsmuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
For Manda.
For cake and support, but most of all, for her car's heated seats.
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
"We're going to have to discuss dresses eventually, October," said May, holding up a bridal magazine and waving it at me like a weapon.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:Now in hardcover, the fourteenth novel of the Hugo-nominated, New York Times-bestselling Toby Daye urban fantasy series
When October is informed that Simon Torquillâ??legally her father, due to Faerie's archaic marriage traditionsâ??must be invited to her wedding or risk the ceremony throwing the Kingdom in the Mists into political turmoil, she finds herself setting out on a quest she was not yet prepared to undertake for the sake of her future.... and the man who represents her family's

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5 39

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