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Mr. Darcy's Comfort (Dash of Darcy and Companions Collection Book 14)

Tekijä: Leenie Brown

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423,514,146 (4.5)-
Sometimes the deepest sorrow can bring the greatest joyAn honourable gentleman remains true to his word, and Fitzwilliam Darcy is as honourable as they come. He would never consider breaking a promise. At least, he would not have before he met Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth has never found any gentleman as fascinating as Mr. Darcy is. She has also never met one more disagreeable. However, when an unexpected caller arrives at Netherfield, Elizabeth is given a glimpse of a Mr. Darcy that causes her to question her evaluation of the gentleman. Handed an unexpected resolution to his dilemma, a grieving Darcy, finds himself making another promise that, should he be successful in keeping it, will ensure his and Elizabeth's future happiness. Mr. Darcy's Comfort is part of Leenie Brown's Dash of Darcy and Companions collection of Pride and Prejudice inspired novellas. If you like well-written sweet romance with a touch of bittersweet sorrow, then you will love this story about Darcy embracing an unexpected turn of events and resolutely working to turn mourning into joy.So, put the kettle on, grab your copy of Mr. Darcy's Comfort, and slip into a world of sweet and poignant romantic indulgence today.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatVesper1931, jemimahj1, Jane-and-beyond, Chelsea_K

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näyttää 2/2
Darcy and Anne de Bourgh have decided to soon announce their betrothal when he meets Elizabeth Bennet. Can a man of honour such as Darcy withdraw from the marriage. As he writes to the Colonel and his sister about the quandary the Colonel arrives with news of Anne's death. What can Elizabeth think and do when she believes any attentions she receives from Darcy is because of his grief. Into this situation Wickham and Collins make their appearance
A delightful quick read ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
This was another great novella by Leenie Brown full of great characters and an interesting plot. This story had a bit more loss at the beginning and as a result was a bit more serious but it also has several fun scenes and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next in the sequel Master of Longbourn: A Sequel to Mr. Darcy's Comfort. ( )
  Chelsea_K | Jun 24, 2019 |
näyttää 2/2
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Sometimes the deepest sorrow can bring the greatest joyAn honourable gentleman remains true to his word, and Fitzwilliam Darcy is as honourable as they come. He would never consider breaking a promise. At least, he would not have before he met Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth has never found any gentleman as fascinating as Mr. Darcy is. She has also never met one more disagreeable. However, when an unexpected caller arrives at Netherfield, Elizabeth is given a glimpse of a Mr. Darcy that causes her to question her evaluation of the gentleman. Handed an unexpected resolution to his dilemma, a grieving Darcy, finds himself making another promise that, should he be successful in keeping it, will ensure his and Elizabeth's future happiness. Mr. Darcy's Comfort is part of Leenie Brown's Dash of Darcy and Companions collection of Pride and Prejudice inspired novellas. If you like well-written sweet romance with a touch of bittersweet sorrow, then you will love this story about Darcy embracing an unexpected turn of events and resolutely working to turn mourning into joy.So, put the kettle on, grab your copy of Mr. Darcy's Comfort, and slip into a world of sweet and poignant romantic indulgence today.

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