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The Walking Wounded

Tekijä: Michael Avallone

Sarjat: Ed Noon (31)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
314,148,626 (3)1
Viimeisimmät tallentajatHarry_Vincent, smichaelwilson, yoyogod

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» Katso myös 1 maininta

This is far from the worst book in the series, but it really isn't very good either. The plot revolves around the son of the antagonist from the first Ed Noon novel, The Tall Dolores, coming after Ed for revenge. Unfortunately, the book feels very insubstantial to the point where it almost could have been done a short story and been better off. The first chapter is mostly taken up by Ed reading a play that retells the first chapter of The Tall Dolores. The second chapter is mostly Ed and a friend grousing about how the pop culture of the 70s, when the book is set, is inferior to the pop culture of their youth, though it does end with a nice murder. Besides that, about half the book is a flashback from the POV of the bad guy, and is generally rambling and boring. There's not a lot of action, and no real detection, but on the plus side, Melissa Mercer, Ed'd secretary/love interest who was last mentioned in book 27 when Ed proposed to her gets a few passing mentions so that we know she hasn't been erased from existence. While I didn't enjoy this one very much, I will continue to read the series, if more books are released, in the hope that we will eventually get to the last three books in the series, which supposedly feature an elderly Ed Noon battling an alien invasion and sound absolutely insane. ( )
  yoyogod | Apr 4, 2019 |
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Ed Noon (31)
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