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Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America

Tekijä: Mel White

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
591640,598 (4.37)1
"Compelling... eloquent and compassionate... We learn as much about growing up in the Christian right as we do about gay life in Mel White's heartfelt and revealing memoir."--San Francisco Examiner Until Christmas Eve 1991, Mel White was regarded by the leaders of the religious right as one of their most talented and productive supporters. He penned the speeches of Ollie North. He was a ghostwriter for Jerry Falwell, worked with Jim Bakker, flew in Pat Robertson's private jet, walked sandy beaches with Billy Graham. What these men didn't know was that Mel White--evangelical minister, committed Christian, family man--was gay. In this remarkable book, Mel White details his twenty-five years of being counseled, exorcised, electric-shocked, prayed for, and nearly driven to suicide because his church said homosexuality was wrong. But his salvation--to be openly gay and Christian--is more than a unique coming-out story. It is a chilling exposé that goes right into the secret meetings and hidden agendas of the religious right. Told by an eyewitness and sure to anger those Mel White once knew best, Stranger at the Gate is a warning about where the politics of hate may lead America... a brave book by a good man whose words can make us richer in spirit and much wiser too.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
And this remarkable book, Mel White, minister, details his 25 years of being counseled, exercised, electric shocked, prayed for, and nearly driven to suicide because his church said that homosexuality was wrong. But his salvation came by being openly gay and Christian. ( )
  PendleHillLibrary | Nov 28, 2023 |
I first read this book many years ago, and it has held up over time. In fact, it's probably close to time to read it again. Mel's story was the first I heard that made gay plus Christian=okay make sense. I will never forget parts of it, but I do like to read it every so often because he told the truth the whole way through. I personally believe that it is Truth with a capital T, but I know all these years later, some disagree with my belief.

I wonder if it will always be this way. The world has changed, but will it ever change that much? Maybe we will at least let God judge someone like Mel instead of trying to judge him ourselves if he is so threatening. ( )
  gentlespirit512 | Nov 22, 2016 |
A radical story of a man heavily involved with the far right... and his journey out from under it, as well as his journey out of self-denial.
  Aerow | Aug 15, 2011 |
I was very moved by this book, especially the depiction of the author's relationship with his wife. ( )
  lizw | May 12, 2006 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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"Compelling... eloquent and compassionate... We learn as much about growing up in the Christian right as we do about gay life in Mel White's heartfelt and revealing memoir."--San Francisco Examiner Until Christmas Eve 1991, Mel White was regarded by the leaders of the religious right as one of their most talented and productive supporters. He penned the speeches of Ollie North. He was a ghostwriter for Jerry Falwell, worked with Jim Bakker, flew in Pat Robertson's private jet, walked sandy beaches with Billy Graham. What these men didn't know was that Mel White--evangelical minister, committed Christian, family man--was gay. In this remarkable book, Mel White details his twenty-five years of being counseled, exorcised, electric-shocked, prayed for, and nearly driven to suicide because his church said homosexuality was wrong. But his salvation--to be openly gay and Christian--is more than a unique coming-out story. It is a chilling exposé that goes right into the secret meetings and hidden agendas of the religious right. Told by an eyewitness and sure to anger those Mel White once knew best, Stranger at the Gate is a warning about where the politics of hate may lead America... a brave book by a good man whose words can make us richer in spirit and much wiser too.

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5 13

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