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Hardcastle's Quandary

Tekijä: Graham Ison

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
912,003,247 (3.67)-
One rainy morning in March 1927, Divisional Detective Inspector Ernest Hardcastle of the Metropolitan Police is summoned to the office of the Chief Constable CID at New Scotland Yard. Frederick Wensley has received a letter from a Reverend Percy Stoner in Norfolk, convinced that his nephew, Captain Guy Stoner, has been murdered. He recently received a letter, supposedly from Guy, claiming that there had been a fire at his farm in Ditton, Surrey, and asking for money. Assigned the case, Hardcastle and Detective Sergeant Charles Marriott travel to Ditton, where they make a shocking discovery, and are soon drawn into a shady world of deception, fraud, ex-army officers and West End nightclubs, navigating a labyrinth of twists and turns in their determination to see justice served.… (lisätietoja)

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March 1927 and the police have received a letter from the Reverend Percy Stoner stating that he believes that his nephew Captain Guy Stoner has been killed. Informed that there has been a fire where Stoner works in Ditton, Divisional Detective Inspector Ernest Hardcastle and Detective Sergeant Charles Marriott are assigned the case. The character of Hardcastle is certainly of the complaining kind and I didn't really take to him, maybe it is time for him to retire. References to which were made throughout the book.
An enjoyable mystery, certainly well-written but I didn't like the main character enough to love the book.
A NetGalley Book ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
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One rainy morning in March 1927, Divisional Detective Inspector Ernest Hardcastle of the Metropolitan Police is summoned to the office of the Chief Constable CID at New Scotland Yard. Frederick Wensley has received a letter from a Reverend Percy Stoner in Norfolk, convinced that his nephew, Captain Guy Stoner, has been murdered. He recently received a letter, supposedly from Guy, claiming that there had been a fire at his farm in Ditton, Surrey, and asking for money. Assigned the case, Hardcastle and Detective Sergeant Charles Marriott travel to Ditton, where they make a shocking discovery, and are soon drawn into a shady world of deception, fraud, ex-army officers and West End nightclubs, navigating a labyrinth of twists and turns in their determination to see justice served.

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