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Best Family Ever

Tekijä: Karen Kingsbury

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1823151,201 (3.29)-
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:Much-loved storyteller Karen Kingsbury's Baxter Family books have captured the hearts of millions who have come to think of the Baxter family as their own. Now Karen Kingsbury and her son Tyler Russell tell the childhood stories of the beloved Baxter childrenâ??Brooke, Kari, Ashley, Erin, and Lukeâ??to inspire and entertain younger readers.
Brooke is the perfect older sister. For that reason, Kari and Ashley work hard to make their parents just as proud of them as they are of Brooke. Each girl has her own talents. Brooke is an excellent student. Kari is a great soccer player. Ashley, a talented artist. And they are always there for each other. But when the news comes that Dr. Baxter is moving the family from Ann Arbor to Bloomington, Indiana, and the Baxters need to leave the only home and friends they've ever known, no one is happy. Saying goodbye is hard but the family still has what's most importantâ??their faith and their love for each other.

The first book in the Baxter Family Children series, #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury and Tyler Russell tell the story of what it was like to grow up in the Baxter family, the best fam
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Boring! ( )
  mjphillips | Feb 23, 2024 |
  WBCLIB | Feb 2, 2024 |
I've never read a Karen Kingsbury adult book, but I have seen her extensive number of novels in the inspirational genre.

I believe that this juvenile series, Baxter Family Children, showed up on my recommendations radar because I've read and loved other large family juvenile series such as the All-of-a-Kind Family, the Vanderbeekers, and the Penderwicks series.

As the introduction to Best Family Ever states, this is a prequel to the author's adult fiction series about the Baxter family when the children are adults. Not having read those, maybe that's why I wasn't as invested in this prequel as readers of the adult fiction series might be.

The story had some moral lessons; there is a lot of internal dialog with prayer mentioned as the family is strongly Christian. The story concerns the whole family, mom, dad and their 5 children, with the focus on the middle child, Ashley. I found Ashley to be a true drama queen and I wonder how she is portrayed as an adult.
I didn't get the true "feel good" vibes I got with the other juvenile series mentioned above. There seem to be quite a few family misunderstanding around Ashley which the parents let play out with the intent of lesson learning. I just felt a bit of a sad vibe with this one. I might read #2 in this series, just to see if focus on other siblings is more interesting to me. ( )
  deslivres5 | Feb 26, 2023 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:Much-loved storyteller Karen Kingsbury's Baxter Family books have captured the hearts of millions who have come to think of the Baxter family as their own. Now Karen Kingsbury and her son Tyler Russell tell the childhood stories of the beloved Baxter childrenâ??Brooke, Kari, Ashley, Erin, and Lukeâ??to inspire and entertain younger readers.
Brooke is the perfect older sister. For that reason, Kari and Ashley work hard to make their parents just as proud of them as they are of Brooke. Each girl has her own talents. Brooke is an excellent student. Kari is a great soccer player. Ashley, a talented artist. And they are always there for each other. But when the news comes that Dr. Baxter is moving the family from Ann Arbor to Bloomington, Indiana, and the Baxters need to leave the only home and friends they've ever known, no one is happy. Saying goodbye is hard but the family still has what's most importantâ??their faith and their love for each other.

The first book in the Baxter Family Children series, #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury and Tyler Russell tell the story of what it was like to grow up in the Baxter family, the best fam

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