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The Cowboy's Outlaw Bride

Tekijä: Cora Seton

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
622,653,067 (4)-
Coopers: 1, Turners 0. Noah Turner's losing a war with his heart-and a war with his neighbors. Competing with the Coopers for the Founder's Prize-and Settler's Ridge, the prime ranch land it confers-has pitted him against the woman of his dreams. The one woman he's not supposed to love: Olivia Cooper. Olivia Cooper is losing a war with her common sense. The Turners drove her family from their home once before. Now they're at it again. She has to focus on winning Settler's Ridge and stay away from handsome Noah. The tempting cowboy isn't for her. It's Turners vs. Coopers-and all is fair in love and war.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatteheadley, izzied, Caelijean, Yak_Litsy

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näyttää 2/2
This is book 2 in the series. This features Noah Turner and Olivia Cooper.
The Cowboy's Secret Bride (Chance Creek: Turners vs Coopers #1) started us off with the family feud and the 1st couple to thwart it with Carl who we had met in previous series.
This book is well written and the couple are sweet, there are lots of secrets in their family past which some of which get revealed during this couples journey.
I would say that there is a lot going on in this book. There are breadcrumbs dropped toward future story-lines with odd looks or comments between couples that raise suspicions of things that have not been revealed yet or simmering feelings that have not been voiced.
There are appearances from other characters from previous and currently running series from Cora Seton, at this point although its good to have previous favorites pop up I felt there were too many.
I have read all of Cora Seton's books and I have enjoyed all of them but we had characters from 'The Heroes of Chance Creek Series' which are numerous couples, then characters mentioned from 'The SEALs of Chance Creek Series' plus the H and h have siblings and to be honest I got confused who was who.
There is a brief explanation when a new character is mentioned but I found it too much, I got confused.
But that may be just me.
The story concerning the current couple is really good, there is an attraction there but so many complications it's not an easy ride.
No cheating, ex-drama and a HEA.




ARC. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
This is book 2 in the series. This features Noah Turner and Olivia Cooper.
The Cowboy's Secret Bride (Chance Creek: Turners vs Coopers #1) started us off with the family feud and the 1st couple to thwart it with Carl who we had met in previous series.
This book is well written and the couple are sweet, there are lots of secrets in their family past which some of which get revealed during this couples journey.
I would say that there is a lot going on in this book. There are breadcrumbs dropped toward future story-lines with odd looks or comments between couples that raise suspicions of things that have not been revealed yet or simmering feelings that have not been voiced.
There are appearances from other characters from previous and currently running series from Cora Seton, at this point although its good to have previous favorites pop up I felt there were too many.
I have read all of Cora Seton's books and I have enjoyed all of them but we had characters from 'The Heroes of Chance Creek Series' which are numerous couples, then characters mentioned from 'The SEALs of Chance Creek Series' plus the H and h have siblings and to be honest I got confused who was who.
There is a brief explanation when a new character is mentioned but I found it too much, I got confused.
But that may be just me.
The story concerning the current couple is really good, there is an attraction there but so many complications it's not an easy ride.
No cheating, ex-drama and a HEA.




ARC. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
näyttää 2/2
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Coopers: 1, Turners 0. Noah Turner's losing a war with his heart-and a war with his neighbors. Competing with the Coopers for the Founder's Prize-and Settler's Ridge, the prime ranch land it confers-has pitted him against the woman of his dreams. The one woman he's not supposed to love: Olivia Cooper. Olivia Cooper is losing a war with her common sense. The Turners drove her family from their home once before. Now they're at it again. She has to focus on winning Settler's Ridge and stay away from handsome Noah. The tempting cowboy isn't for her. It's Turners vs. Coopers-and all is fair in love and war.

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