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The KJV NLV Parallel Bible

Tekijä: Compiled by Barbour Staff

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A Parallel Bible for Everyone!   The KJV NLV Parallel Bible features two fantastic versions of God's Word, side-by-side in a readable two-column design that allows for quick and easy comparison and study.   The King James Version: More than 400 years after its introduction, the King James Version is still one of the most popular Bible translations available. The beautiful phrasing and cadence of the King James Version have stood the test of time, providing for a moving and powerful reading experience. Believed by many to be one of the most literal and accurate translations of the original Bible languages, the King James Version has changed countless lives over four centuries.   The New Life(tm) Bible: The New Life Version is a very readable, understandable contemporary Bible that uses a limited vocabulary of just over a thousand words (not counting proper names of people and places) to share the message of scripture in a simple, elegant, and powerful way. Smaller, more common words are combined into explanatory phrases to help readers understand more complicated concepts in the Bible, allowing readers of all ages to glean new understanding of God's holy Word.   Other features: Words of Christ in red In-text subject headings Full-color maps Presentation page… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatBookHavenAZ, margaretfield

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A Parallel Bible for Everyone!   The KJV NLV Parallel Bible features two fantastic versions of God's Word, side-by-side in a readable two-column design that allows for quick and easy comparison and study.   The King James Version: More than 400 years after its introduction, the King James Version is still one of the most popular Bible translations available. The beautiful phrasing and cadence of the King James Version have stood the test of time, providing for a moving and powerful reading experience. Believed by many to be one of the most literal and accurate translations of the original Bible languages, the King James Version has changed countless lives over four centuries.   The New Life(tm) Bible: The New Life Version is a very readable, understandable contemporary Bible that uses a limited vocabulary of just over a thousand words (not counting proper names of people and places) to share the message of scripture in a simple, elegant, and powerful way. Smaller, more common words are combined into explanatory phrases to help readers understand more complicated concepts in the Bible, allowing readers of all ages to glean new understanding of God's holy Word.   Other features: Words of Christ in red In-text subject headings Full-color maps Presentation page

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