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A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace, 1812-1822

Tekijä: Henry A. Kissinger

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2442111,268 (3.84)2
Years before he was Secretary of State and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Henry Kissinger wrote A World Restored to understand and explain one of history’s most important and dramatic periods—a time when Europe went from political chaos to a balanced peace that lasted for almost a hundred years. After the fall of Napoleon, European diplomats gathered in a festive Vienna with the task of restoring stability following the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, and the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire. The central figures at the Congress of Vienna were the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Viscount Castlereagh and the Foreign Minister of Austria Klemens Wenzel von Mettern Metternich. Castlereagh was primarily concerned with maintaining balanced powers, while Metternich based his diplomacy on the idea of legitimacy—that is, establishing and working with governments that citizens accept without force. The peace they brokered lasted until the outbreak of World War I. Through trenchant analysis of the history and forces that create stability, A World Restored gives insight into how to create long-lasting geopolitical peace—lessons that Kissinger saw as applicable to the period immediately following World War II, when he was writing this book. But the lessons don’t stop there. Like all good insights, the book’s wisdom transcends any single political period. Kissinger’s understanding of coalitions and balance of power can be applied to personal and professional situations, such as dealing with a tyrannical boss or coworker or formulating business or organizational tactics. Regardless of his ideology, Henry Kissinger has had an important impact on modern politics and few would dispute his brill iance as a strategist. For anyone interested in Western history, the tactics of diplomacy, or political strategy, this volume will provide deep understanding of a pivotal time.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
First a word on this publication of Kissinger's classical work by Literary Licensing. It is apparently based on a photoreproduction of the original 1957 publication by Houghton Mifflin. Unfortunately, the photocopy, while dark enough to retain the text, is not dark enough to retain the punctuation. So this is over 300 pages of very dense and complex writing without commas, semicolons , or full stops.

The fact that I actually read over 300 pages under these circumstances is probably a testament to the subject matter rather than to the writing skill of Kissinger. I have been reading a lot lately about Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars, and was naturally wondering what happened after Napoleon was finally sent off to St. Helena. It turns out that the period was dominated by two statesmen: Metternich, Austria's foreign minister, and Castlereagh, the English foreign minister. Metternich had the toughest hand to play in representing a centrally-located, polyglot Empire that was just ripe for disintegration in an era when liberalism and nationalism were on the rise everywhere. Castlereagh, on the other hand, was an advocate for a European union while representing a country that didn't want anything to do with Europe. Working under such long odds, it is amazing that the two men achieved a structure for Europe that brought peace for at least a couple of generations. Kissinger does a great job of describing how Metternich was able to exert dominance over the Tsar and the King of Prussia to convince them that inaction was the best course for those nations when they could have easily taken steps that would have destroyed the Austrian Empire. Castlereagh is the tragic figure on whom Metternich relied in order to get the support he needed to exercise his diplomacy. This book proves that a historical period of peace can be as interesting as a period of conflict. ( )
  ninefivepeak | Dec 21, 2013 |
One of my most favorite reads as an undergraduate history major. ( )
  ElnEm | Aug 13, 2006 |
näyttää 2/2
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Years before he was Secretary of State and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Henry Kissinger wrote A World Restored to understand and explain one of history’s most important and dramatic periods—a time when Europe went from political chaos to a balanced peace that lasted for almost a hundred years. After the fall of Napoleon, European diplomats gathered in a festive Vienna with the task of restoring stability following the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, and the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire. The central figures at the Congress of Vienna were the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Viscount Castlereagh and the Foreign Minister of Austria Klemens Wenzel von Mettern Metternich. Castlereagh was primarily concerned with maintaining balanced powers, while Metternich based his diplomacy on the idea of legitimacy—that is, establishing and working with governments that citizens accept without force. The peace they brokered lasted until the outbreak of World War I. Through trenchant analysis of the history and forces that create stability, A World Restored gives insight into how to create long-lasting geopolitical peace—lessons that Kissinger saw as applicable to the period immediately following World War II, when he was writing this book. But the lessons don’t stop there. Like all good insights, the book’s wisdom transcends any single political period. Kissinger’s understanding of coalitions and balance of power can be applied to personal and professional situations, such as dealing with a tyrannical boss or coworker or formulating business or organizational tactics. Regardless of his ideology, Henry Kissinger has had an important impact on modern politics and few would dispute his brill iance as a strategist. For anyone interested in Western history, the tactics of diplomacy, or political strategy, this volume will provide deep understanding of a pivotal time.

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