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Love in Spades

Tekijä: Charlie Cochet

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Four Kings Security (1)

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5310490,492 (3.95)11
When the cards are stacked against you, the Kings will even the odds. Ex-Special Forces soldier Anston "Ace" Sharpe is fighting a different battle these days-one involving the world of private security across the state of Florida. As part owner of Four Kings Security, Ace and his fellow Kings tackle everything from armed transport and investigations to cyber intelligence and executive protection. Cocky, fearless, and brash, Ace isn't afraid to take risks. After years of working alongside his father, Colton Connolly is ready to take the helm at Connolly Maritime, but his father's retirement is put on hold when Colton begins receiving death threats. If that isn't bad enough, his father signs a contract with Four Kings Security to provide Colton with round-the-clock protection, despite his adamant refusal. Colton's life has been turned upside down, the last thing he needs is a shadow, especially in the form of infuriating, sexy-as-sin Ace Sharpe, who seems to be on a mission to drive Colton mad. Sparks fly the moment Colton and Ace meet on a sultry night club dance floor. But getting involved with a client, even one as fiery and beautiful as Colton Connolly, is a line Ace is unwilling to cross. Colton might be attracted to Ace, but he'd been burned before. He might be willing to put his life in Ace's hands, but not his heart. As the Florida nights heat up, so does their passion, and Ace and Colton are faced with a difficult choice-take the plunge and risk it all, or play it safe and walk away? If Ace can keep a deadly threat from robbing Colton of a future....… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Four Kings Security is composed of four ex-military good friends, Ace, King, Red and Lucky, who have one of the most well-known and successful security business in the area. They’ve earned their nicknames while in the military, and they’ve taken them with them into their business. The names, tattoos, the business motto, crest logo, etc. all form the foundation and basis by which the business was formed. As is this author's style, she gives us great characters who are charismatic and lots of fun, emotional while still coming across as tough. From the start we see the bond that these men share and how much they mean to one another. In this story, Ace is the best man be providing security to a business heir who has absolutely no interest in having a personal bodyguard. But, since the Kings were hired by his father, there isn’t much he can do about it...but he doesn't have to like it or make it easy. The son, Colton has his reasons for not wanting anyone controlling his life, and he puts up a good fight in the beginning. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Ace gives as good as he gets. It doesn’t take long for them to come to a truce and for the threats to escalate into something much more serious. The sparks fly right from the start between Ace and Colton, but then the mutual attraction takes over, and the fireworks begin. Ace puts up some reluctance as he has the most to lose. However, it doesn't take them long until they realize that there is something special between them that will make it worth the risk. They made a great couple and were definitely perfect for each other. The rest of the cast of characters are all interesting as well, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the other Kings. Looks like Red's story might be next..., maybe another "opposites attract" relationship? Can't wait to find out. ( )
  Carol420 | May 17, 2024 |
Yes yes yes!

I’ll be honest—it took me more than halfway through to feel any attachments to Colton or Ace, but the story had piqued my interest and I wanted to see how it played out. Good decision! Once I got a feel for these two, I was hooked. But I absolutely can’t wait to dive into Red and Laz’s story next! ( )
1 ääni KennedyRaine | Jun 23, 2023 |
This started out very promising. I was hoping we didn't have as much repetition as in the THIRDS series, but it was if anything a bit worse. The author creates cool characters, and the plots are okay, but if by the end of a novel I am rolling my eyes at yet more repetitive recitation of the qualifications one hero has for his job or the reasons one guy adores the other - fine once, boring when repeated at least 3-4 times - then I'm done. This is far from awful, but also far from great, hence a middle grade.

Merged review:

So close to five stars. I've read the first book in this series, and so Seth was somewhat familiar to me. Kit's a trip. I would've liked to see the author change up the sex positions. It is magic gay sex, nothing particularly original. The kicker, though, were the cliche phrases like 'stole his breath away' and 'heart filled with joy' and so on that the story concludes on. If the ending had been more original and specific to Kit and Seth, it would've been five stars. Good story. Needed a great ending. ( )
  terriaminute | Dec 4, 2022 |
Charlie Cochet could never make a bad book ( )
  Tratiezone | Nov 8, 2022 |
The characters are a bit annoying but cute at the same time. And It's a fun short story, I wouldn't have minded a bit more.
The best thing: Frank, the gruff and terrifying club owner, who seems a bit heartbroken. For some reason everyone is scared of him. Is it just because he's the boss and no one wants to lose their job, or is there another reason?
Does anyone know if he has a book already? I really want to read it. ( )
  Gabi90 | Apr 18, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Boudreaux, GregKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


When the cards are stacked against you, the Kings will even the odds. Ex-Special Forces soldier Anston "Ace" Sharpe is fighting a different battle these days-one involving the world of private security across the state of Florida. As part owner of Four Kings Security, Ace and his fellow Kings tackle everything from armed transport and investigations to cyber intelligence and executive protection. Cocky, fearless, and brash, Ace isn't afraid to take risks. After years of working alongside his father, Colton Connolly is ready to take the helm at Connolly Maritime, but his father's retirement is put on hold when Colton begins receiving death threats. If that isn't bad enough, his father signs a contract with Four Kings Security to provide Colton with round-the-clock protection, despite his adamant refusal. Colton's life has been turned upside down, the last thing he needs is a shadow, especially in the form of infuriating, sexy-as-sin Ace Sharpe, who seems to be on a mission to drive Colton mad. Sparks fly the moment Colton and Ace meet on a sultry night club dance floor. But getting involved with a client, even one as fiery and beautiful as Colton Connolly, is a line Ace is unwilling to cross. Colton might be attracted to Ace, but he'd been burned before. He might be willing to put his life in Ace's hands, but not his heart. As the Florida nights heat up, so does their passion, and Ace and Colton are faced with a difficult choice-take the plunge and risk it all, or play it safe and walk away? If Ace can keep a deadly threat from robbing Colton of a future....

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