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Hansel & Gretel

Tekijä: Bethan Woollvin

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575460,534 (3.97)-
In a fairy tale twist, Hansel and Gretel ransack Willow the good witch's gingerbread cottage and play havoc with her spells, driving the poor witch to her wit's end.

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näyttää 5/5
In this twist on the classic tale, Willow is a good witch who merely asks Hansel and Gretel to clean up their breadcrumbs so they don't lead birds and mice to her gingerbread house. The twins decline, so Willow does it herself. In fact, when she finds them eating her house, she invites them in for a meal ("Willow did not get angry, because Willow was a good witch"). But when Hansel and Gretel eat all the food without leaving the witch any, and then play with her magic things without her permission, finally Willow puts the two misbehaving kiddos in a cauldron and turns them into gingerbread cookies ("Because as it turns out, Willow wasn't ALWAYS a good witch.")

My 5yo loves this book (as she does Little Red, Rapunzel, and Bo the Brave). I always enjoy a twisted fairy tale as well, especially one that takes a different perspective than usual However, I wish it weren't implied that good people can't get angry - anger is a rational response to people trampling over your house, belongings, and feelings.

Stylistic illustrations (gouache on cartridge paper) are rendered in gray, black, and orange on a white background. ( )
  JennyArch | Feb 5, 2021 |
In this version of Hansel and Gretel the witch is portrayed as good and the children are portrayed as naughty. The author who is also the illustrator, uses a color theme consisting of black, orange, grey, and white. With only these few colors, she brings the pages to life. I can use this book in a second grade class to talk about different perspectives since the original story portrays the witch as "bad". ( )
  Sondosottallah | Sep 30, 2019 |
I loved reading this and seeing how the tale has a beautiful twist in where witch was good and would use good magic. The witch actually has the name Willow and even humanized, which makes the darkness in the original tale change to a more lighthearted tale that children and parents can enjoy. ( )
  Brian428 | Nov 29, 2018 |
This story is unlike the original, in the sense that the witch is a "good' witch. This author is known for the twists she puts on fairy tales. In this story the author shows Hansel and Gretel eating the witch's house. Her house is made of gingerbread. They also destroy her things and throw her into the oven. They play with her wand and other magic things. Throughout the story they test her patience, and the "good" witch never gets angry. Finally at the end of the story, on the last page, we see her cooking them in a big cauldron. Maybe I am being overly critical, but I did not like this book very much. ( )
  denisebarry | Nov 20, 2018 |
retelling, turned on its head. ( )
  melodyreads | Nov 15, 2018 |
näyttää 5/5
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In a fairy tale twist, Hansel and Gretel ransack Willow the good witch's gingerbread cottage and play havoc with her spells, driving the poor witch to her wit's end.

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2.5 1
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3.5 2
4 7
5 4

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