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Everlasting Nora

Tekijä: Marie Miranda Cruz

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
12213226,148 (3.73)-
After a family tragedy results in the loss of both father and home, twelve-year-old Nora lives with her mother in Manila's North Cemetery, which is the largest shantytown of its kind in the Philippines. When her mother disappears mysteriously one day, Nora is left alone. With help from her best friend Jojo and the support of his kindhearted grandmother, Nora embarks on a journey riddled with danger in order to find her mom. Along the way she also rediscovers the compassion of the human spirit, the resilience of her community, and everlasting hope in the most unexpected places.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Everlasting Nora is a story with heart set in the most unusual of places. I’m so happy to have discovered a Filipino main character, despite the sad circumstances that led us to her story. Nora is strong, resilient, and determined to find her mother and do her part to help them move out of the graveyard that has been their home since her father’s tragic death. While at times too proud and independent, she learns to rely on her friends and her little grave community to accomplish her mission.

This beautiful story shows the sad living conditions for so many in Manila, those children and families with no where else to go but the cemetery. However, the author has told Nora’s story in a way that highlights themes of family, friends, and hope; the story feels inspiring rather than depressing. Tagalog words are woven authentically throughout, with context clues for readers, although there is also a glossary at the end. There is also a discussion guide which is useful for teachers, parents, and reading groups. This book will help to improve the diversity of any school library or classroom. I’d recommend it for any middle grade reader and also as a read-aloud for younger readers who are mature enough for the topic but too young to read the book independently (my 6 year old loved listening aloud and frequently discusses the book with his Lola and Tatay, even though we finished it weeks ago). I’m grateful that the author has told Nora’s story; it’s inspired our family to find out how we can help people living in poverty in Manila. It’s a powerful book to build empathy and if you’re considering reading it, I would encourage you to get your copy ASAP. ( )
  amandamreads | Jul 24, 2021 |
diverse children's middlegrade (homeless child living in Philippines cemetery with mom who has gambling problem)
nice story that builds empathy (for people of different backgrounds, and for people who are homeless) with flavorfully detailed Philippine setting.
The ending is a tiny bit abrupt, with all the pieces improbably falling into place to make a positive outcome, but it's a satisfying adventure/human drama with thoughtful characters who do their best to help each other out.

Parental notes: contains knife violence, fighting/bruising, festering wounds, scary situations. ( )
  reader1009 | Jul 3, 2021 |
Everlasting Nora was what I like to call a ‘heavy book” So many feelings while reading this one. Nora herself is an active 12-year-old girl living with her Mom in a cemetery in Manila after her father dies. Although they have extended family, living with them is not an option through most of the story. Her Mom has issues, and they both have a fair amount of PTSD after the death of her Dad and the fact that they live with his bones in a mausoleum. When her Mom disappears, Nora has to step up yet again into a more adult role to find her and save them both.

This book tells a terrible story in such a matter of fact way. This much-needed look into poverty and the struggles to climb out of that hole up to a middle class is something every child and adult should read. ( )
  JennyNau10 | Dec 7, 2019 |
After losing her father and her home Nora and her Mother must now live in the cemetery where her father is buried ( )
  lindamamak | Nov 21, 2019 |
Recommended Ages: Gr. 5-8

Plot Summary: Nora and her Mama moved to her father's tomb in the cemetery after he died in a fire trying to save his wife. It was the only place they had after losing their house. They were hired to do the wash at three different places but Mama's gambling caused them to lose two of the jobs. Then one night, Mama doesn't come home to the cemetery. Nora tries to pretend that everything is normal but after a few days, she becomes desperate to find out what happened and tries to investigate. Her new friend Jojo is loyal and helps her, even when it gets dangerous. Will she ever find out what happened? Will her mother ever come home?

Setting: cemetery in Manila, Philippines

Nora -
Mama - gambler, plays mah jong
Aling Lydia - woman who owns bakery, hired Nora and Mama to wash once a week, warm yet strict
Tiger - gang leader, works for loan shark
Tito Danny - Mama's brother living in Davao, which costs 5000 pesos to get there by boat
Evelyn - AKA Evie, Nora's previous best friend from school
Jojo - mother died in childbirth, father ran away immediately after, skinny, confident, loyal, brave
Lola Mercy - Jojo's grandmother, lived in cemetery her whole life

Recurring Themes: gambling addiction, family, homelessness, friendship

Controversial Issues: friend of Jojo was murdered by Tiger

Personal Thoughts: This one moved a little too slow for me. The setting and culture slowed down the storyline. Some character description but not enough for me.

Genre: realistic fiction

Pacing: slow, lots of description of food, etc. using Tagalog - fairly easy to figure out from context clues but slows the reader down

Activity: ( )
  pigeonlover | Jul 28, 2019 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 13) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

» Lisää muita tekijöitä

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Marie Miranda Cruzensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Doyle, AdamKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Sinun täytyy kirjautua sisään voidaksesi muokata Yhteistä tietoa
Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Kanoninen DDC/MDS
Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


After a family tragedy results in the loss of both father and home, twelve-year-old Nora lives with her mother in Manila's North Cemetery, which is the largest shantytown of its kind in the Philippines. When her mother disappears mysteriously one day, Nora is left alone. With help from her best friend Jojo and the support of his kindhearted grandmother, Nora embarks on a journey riddled with danger in order to find her mom. Along the way she also rediscovers the compassion of the human spirit, the resilience of her community, and everlasting hope in the most unexpected places.

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Keskiarvo: (3.73)
0.5 1
1 1
3 4
3.5 3
4 9
4.5 1
5 5

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