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Wizard at Large

Tekijä: Jim Butcher

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: The Dresden Files (6-7)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
270499,442 (4.51)2
Blood Rites:For Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, there have been worse assignments than going undercover on the set of an adult film. Dodging flaming monkey poo, for instance. Or going toe-to-leaf with a walking plant monster. Still, there is something more troubling than usual about his newest case. The film's producer believes he's the target of a sinister entropy curse, but it's the women around him who are dying, in increasingly spectacular ways. Harry is doubly frustrated because he got involved with this bizarre mystery only as a favor to Thomas, his flirtatious, self-absorbed vampire acquaintance of dubious integrity. Thomas has a personal stake in the case Harry can't quite figure out, until his investigation leads him straight to Thomas' oversexed vampire family. Harry is about to discover that Thomas' family tree has been hiding a shocking secret; a revelation that will change Harry's life forever. Dead Beat:Paranormal investigations are Harry Dresden’s business and Chicago is his beat, as he tries to bring law and order to a world of wizards and monsters that exists alongside everyday life. And though most inhabitants of the Windy City don’t believe in magic, the Special Investigations Department of the Chicago PD knows better. Karrin Murphy is the head of S. I. and Harry’s good friend. So when a killer vampire threatens to destroy Murphy’s reputation unless Harry does her bidding, he has no choice. The vampire wants the Word of Kemmler (whatever that is) and all the power that comes with it. Now, Harry is in a race against time—and six merciless necromancers—to find the Word before Chicago experiences a Halloween night to wake the dead...… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

Dresden is a wizard that does clean up work for other people for a good price. A film directer from California has revitalize that a lot of his actors have been getting hurt. But Dresden has two jobs that and to get rid of the vampire problem in Chicago. Dresden and his partner a Chicago P.D Andy Murphy is her name (Dresden's crush) and Thomas. This is the funny thing about Thomas he's a vampire but a good one. He is part of the white counsel (the good vampires that feed on love). In the end he finds out the person who is killing off The directors actors. The person is his ex wife that is one of his actors. Then Dresden fond where the vamps are hiding and kills all of them.


I enjoyed reading this book it was interesting reading it (the 789 pages of it) Some of it i could not put in the summary because it was a little graphic. I rate this 9 to out of 10
  AndrewC.B4 | Oct 24, 2017 |
I've reviewed these separately at FanLit: http://www.fantasyliterature.com/fantasy-author/butcherjim/ ( )
  Kat_Hooper | Apr 6, 2014 |
there are 2 books in 1 in this book. 1 is Blood Rites 2 is Dead Beat

have read Blood Rites 4 stars ( )
  Shugabug | Apr 26, 2011 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Jim Butcherensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Dos Santos, DanielKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Dead Beat (tekijä: Jim Butcher)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Blood Rites:For Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, there have been worse assignments than going undercover on the set of an adult film. Dodging flaming monkey poo, for instance. Or going toe-to-leaf with a walking plant monster. Still, there is something more troubling than usual about his newest case. The film's producer believes he's the target of a sinister entropy curse, but it's the women around him who are dying, in increasingly spectacular ways. Harry is doubly frustrated because he got involved with this bizarre mystery only as a favor to Thomas, his flirtatious, self-absorbed vampire acquaintance of dubious integrity. Thomas has a personal stake in the case Harry can't quite figure out, until his investigation leads him straight to Thomas' oversexed vampire family. Harry is about to discover that Thomas' family tree has been hiding a shocking secret; a revelation that will change Harry's life forever. Dead Beat:Paranormal investigations are Harry Dresden’s business and Chicago is his beat, as he tries to bring law and order to a world of wizards and monsters that exists alongside everyday life. And though most inhabitants of the Windy City don’t believe in magic, the Special Investigations Department of the Chicago PD knows better. Karrin Murphy is the head of S. I. and Harry’s good friend. So when a killer vampire threatens to destroy Murphy’s reputation unless Harry does her bidding, he has no choice. The vampire wants the Word of Kemmler (whatever that is) and all the power that comes with it. Now, Harry is in a race against time—and six merciless necromancers—to find the Word before Chicago experiences a Halloween night to wake the dead...

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3 4
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4 15
4.5 1
5 32

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