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Up in the Leaves: The True Story of the Central Park Treehouses

Tekijä: Shira Boss

Muut tekijät: Jamey Christoph (Kuvittaja)

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443577,711 (4)-
Bob does not like the noisy, crowded streets and school hallways of his New York City home, so he decides to build a tree house in the cool, green calm of Central Park. Includes a note about the real Bob Redman.

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näyttää 3/3
A young boy in New York City is sometimes overwhelmed by the cramped, crowded city and longs to get away from it. He does so by climbing trees and building treehouses, even after he grows old enough that his mother worries he needs to find a job.

This book is simple and straightforward while also being engaging. Children are likely to be very interested in the various treehouses and how they were built, especially when hearing that the story is true. A fun fact you learn at the very end of the book if you commit to reading the book jacket is that the author is actually married to the subject of the book!

The illustrations nicely complement the text. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Oct 8, 2019 |
Based upon her husband Bob Redman's childhood experiences, author Shira Boss spins the tale of a young boy who loved to climb the trees in New York City's Central Park. Over the years, from ages thirteen to twenty-one, he built a series of treehouses in their branches, always trying again when his latest creation was taken down by park workers. Eventually caught in the act, Bob was given an unexpected offer that changed his life: he was asked to come work in the park with the trees...

An engaging story of a boy with a passion for trees, and a love for Central Park, Up in the Leaves: The True Story of the Central Park Treehouses highlights the fact that sometimes, when we follow our interests, we can also find a path in life. I enjoyed the story, and found the artwork, done by Jamey Christoph, quite lovely. Recommended to young tree-lovers, to treehouse-builders, and to anyone looking for children's stories featuring Central Park and its many beauties. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | May 5, 2018 |
This warming story grabs with a gentle adventure many kids enjoy, climbing trees, and shows the wondrous paths life can take.

This true story tells of Bob Redman, a kid in New York, who never felt at home between concrete, streets and buildings. Finding comfort and joy in climbing trees, he soon takes it a step further and begins to builds tree houses in Central Park. Each time, the tree houses are ripped down, but he builds again. His love for being in the trees continues for many years and blossoms into something much more.

I was personally touched by this story, since my own brother did much the same thing when we were growing up—almost the exact same thing. So, my kids and I might have a slightly different view on this book than many readers.

That this story stems from a true event, already draws in and adds a special dust of curiosity to young listeners. Bob's desire to climb trees is something easy to relate to, and that he does it in a park, adds to the excitement. There's a natural comfort and a sense of adventure as he climbs into the branches to hide away from the world time and again. Add the construction of tree houses from whatever he could find to the mix, and this is a real life adventure kids dream of doing themselves.

The illustrations come across as natural as the story, allowing the listener to sink into the scene. The tree houses add a touch of wonder and inspire listeners to imagine what their own house might look like.

The ending lacks the normal idea of goal chasing and determination, as Bob finds himself unsure of his future and slides into his future profession, which will hit some readers/listeners different than others.

I received a complimentary copy and enjoyed this so much that I wanted to leave my honest thoughts. ( )
  tdrecker | Mar 30, 2018 |
näyttää 3/3
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Shira Bossensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Christoph, JameyKuvittajamuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Bob does not like the noisy, crowded streets and school hallways of his New York City home, so he decides to build a tree house in the cool, green calm of Central Park. Includes a note about the real Bob Redman.

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