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The Art of Over the Garden Wall

Tekijä: Patrick McHale

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574459,930 (4.89)-
"A complete tour through the development and production of the hit animated miniseries Over the Garden Wall, this volume contains hundreds of pieces of concept art and sketches"--

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näyttää 4/4
Original de: El Blog del Gato - El Extraño Gato del Cuento

The Art of Over the Garden Wall es una completa preciosidad, es literalmente arte puro. Generalmente cuando leo este tipo de libro, lo hago más un por un placer nerd y no espero algo que me haga pensar mucho en lo que estoy leyendo y darle más importancia a las fotografías y notas de pie, pero en el caso de este libro, estuve tan metida en todo lo que Patrick McHale y los demás colaboradores, Nick Cross, Natasha Allegri (Bee and Puppycat), entre otros; tenían que decir, qué realmente me dolió cuando acabó.

Over the Garden Wall was an attempt to trick kids into liking stuff that they’d normally think was boring and old, and to show adults that kids’ entertainment is more sophisticated than they think.

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  Ella_Zegarra | Jan 18, 2022 |
This nonfiction companion to the show Over the Garden Wall goes into the behind-the-scenes details of making the show. Text describes how the story was originally pitched and changes along the way. Illustrations show how characters developed visually as well as pulled out backgrounds separately or zoomed into specific details.

This book really made me appreciate the show even more than I initially did. (And I loved it when I first watched it.) All of the hard work that went into it is on display here. In addition, the creators explained items that I missed on a first watch. For instance in a chapter on Episode 4, this gem is included: "The tree in this episode has a lot of faces on it. I thought at first it could have been Civil War soldiers that had fallen asleep by the tree. But it got wrapped into this idea that all the people in the tavern are actually in this tree--that's where they all died. If you watch, they don't actually leave the tavern. It's called the Dark Lantern, and that's what this tavern is: the lantern that their souls are trapped in. The Unknown is Wirt's particular vision of what the next world may be, informed by his own interests. When you go back to the real world there are all these hints about what's in the Unknown. You see Endicott's grave. Maybe when he was there he saw that and imagined what that was. The Unknown is informed by his perspective. If you or I had gone to this world, it would look completely different." Reading this book made me want to go back and re-visit the series to notice all the things I missed the first time around!

While this book's appeal is by and large for fans of the show, I do think it could be a good exercise to point out some of the trial-and-error and assorted sketches to young artists to let them know that even professionals work on their art continually and not to be discouraged if their own artwork doesn't come out exactly as they expected the first time around. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Dec 16, 2019 |
A charming book, with enough text that it could easily have been called The Making of Over the Garden Wall. Not astonishing enough to be of any real interest to those unfamiliar with the show, but for its many fans, this is a must-read.

(Note: 5 stars = amazing, wonderful, 4 = very good book, 3 = decent read, 2 = disappointing, 1 = awful, just awful. I'm fairly good at picking for myself so end up with a lot of 4s). ( )
1 ääni ashleytylerjohn | Sep 19, 2018 |
What a wonderful book! It is visually gorgeous and chock full of sketches, drawings, background & production art, and much more. Just turning the pages is a delightful experience, and put me into the captivating mood of the show.

I expected there to be a lot of amazing artwork in the book – and there is. In addition, the physical book itself is stunning, with many lovely small touches such as the intriguing endpapers (and of course, so much of what in between those endpapers is awe-inspiring). However I was surprised, and especially pleased, to find there was far more to read about how Over the Garden Wall came to be than I had hoped for.

The book is beautifully organized into chapters detailing all that went into making OTGW, as well as its pilot Tome of the Unknown. It was fascinating to read the remarkable behind-the-scenes story of the entire creative process – in the words of creator Patrick McHale, as well as many others who worked on the show -- how the original idea was first conceived, and learn about all the steps it took to see it through to its completion.

Love it! ( )
1 ääni RaucousRain | Oct 20, 2017 |
näyttää 4/4
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"A complete tour through the development and production of the hit animated miniseries Over the Garden Wall, this volume contains hundreds of pieces of concept art and sketches"--

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