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The Works of John Owen

Tekijä: John Owen

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390565,890 (4.72)-
Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: venture to suggest whether, at some future period of increased spirituality and external danger, they may not form the basis of a stable and honourable union among the two great evangelical sections of modern Nonconformists. But besides the outward dangers to Protestantism, which made Owen so eager for union among its friends, we discover another and more interesting explanation still in the increased occupation of his mind with the great central truths of the Gospel, and his growing delight in them. The minor distinctions among Christians come to be seen by us in their modified proportions, when we have taken our place within the inner circle of those great truths which constitute the peculiar glory and power of Christianity; and this inner and more radiant circle formed more and more the home of Dr Owen's heart. This is evident from the three great doctrinal and devotional works which were produced by him at this period, and which we have yet to nama First, there appeared his piarooyla, or Declaration of the Glorious Mystery of the Person of Christ, God and man, with the infinite wisdom, love, and power of God in the constitution thereof. As also, of the grounds and reasons of his incarnation; the nature of his ministry in heaven; the present state of the church above thereon; and the use of his person in religion, etc. The root from which the whole discourse springs, is the memorable declaration of our Lord to Peter, Matt. xvi. 18, And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it: ?a declaration in which Owen finds three great truths, whose illustration forms the substance of the volume;? that the person of Christ is the foundation of his church; that opposition will be made ...… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
Glory of Christ (volume I) - Wow. This is one of the most wonderful books I have ever read. Written by a man who grasped these things with both his mind and his heart. Perhaps the greatest Protestant theologian. Everything I read by this man is so thorough and so Christ-centered and so wonderfully God-glorifying. I can never get enough. Certainly the greatest theologian after Paul. I have been so impacted by these writings that I have resolved to read daily [for the rest of my life] five pages from one of his works [vol. 1-16]. I have resolved to do the same with Richard Sibbes and John Flavel, two of my favorite Puritans.

Communion With God (volume II) - This is an outstanding volume and tremendously practical. Those long for closer more intimate communion with God would benefit from a careful read of the second volume in Owen's series.

The Holy Spirit (volume III) - Thorough as always and perhaps the best work on the Holy Spirit ever published. The section on sanctification is particularly outstanding.

Temptation and Sin (volume VI) - This one humbled me to the dust, but it also raised me to new heights in Christ. Praise be to God. A wonderful wonderful book. ( )
  stephendr | Dec 5, 2008 |
Here is one of the great treasures of the Puritans - Owens complete works. Owen comes as close to probing and exhausting a subject as is humanly possible. ( )
  BookAlert | Sep 28, 2008 |
Owen "exhausts" every topic he deals with. ( )
  CharismaticDan | May 7, 2006 |
  Lancerniine32 | Oct 31, 2017 |
Owen, John, The Complete Works of John Owen, 16 volumes (Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust). 31042
"To master his works is to be a profound theologian." -- C.H. Spurgeon
"The Banner of Truth Trust completed in May, 1968, the re-issue of the complete English works of Owen, his seven volumes on the Epistle of Hebrews excepted. All of these volumes `are of the greatest value' (Dr. Lloyd-Jones) but for newcomers to Owen we especially recommend the four volumes in the Practical Division (vols. 6-9.) . . ." -- William J. Grier
"Owen lived 1616-1683. Some say that he was the greatest English theologian of all time." -- GCB
"His works on communion, Christian life, and the person and glory of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, etc. are of the utmost value to any serious-minded Christian." -- Jay P. Green, Sr.
John Owen is an example of a great theologian who prescribed to independency, and was unable to attain to covenanted reformation. ( )
  lettermen | Dec 5, 2007 |
näyttää 5/5
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John Owenensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Goold, William H.Toimittajamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: venture to suggest whether, at some future period of increased spirituality and external danger, they may not form the basis of a stable and honourable union among the two great evangelical sections of modern Nonconformists. But besides the outward dangers to Protestantism, which made Owen so eager for union among its friends, we discover another and more interesting explanation still in the increased occupation of his mind with the great central truths of the Gospel, and his growing delight in them. The minor distinctions among Christians come to be seen by us in their modified proportions, when we have taken our place within the inner circle of those great truths which constitute the peculiar glory and power of Christianity; and this inner and more radiant circle formed more and more the home of Dr Owen's heart. This is evident from the three great doctrinal and devotional works which were produced by him at this period, and which we have yet to nama First, there appeared his piarooyla, or Declaration of the Glorious Mystery of the Person of Christ, God and man, with the infinite wisdom, love, and power of God in the constitution thereof. As also, of the grounds and reasons of his incarnation; the nature of his ministry in heaven; the present state of the church above thereon; and the use of his person in religion, etc. The root from which the whole discourse springs, is the memorable declaration of our Lord to Peter, Matt. xvi. 18, And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it: ?a declaration in which Owen finds three great truths, whose illustration forms the substance of the volume;? that the person of Christ is the foundation of his church; that opposition will be made ...

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