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Sovereign's War

Tekijä: Debbie Viguié, James R. Tuck

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1111,734,080 (5)-
These are dark days for England. The Hood is dead. The Sheriff has summoned an ally--one who leads an army sufficient to enter Sherwood and crush the resistance. Then comes news that King Richard is the prisoner of a pagan ruler. What began as a rebellion has become a war for the throne. With hordes of demons and men at his disposal, the Sheriff is poised to seize power. A desperate mission is mounted to rescue Richard, while those who remain behind must hold off the enemy. Yet even if the true king returns, an epic battle will erupt, and the outcome cannot be foretold.… (lisätietoja)

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What an amazing ending to a dark and chilling retelling of Robin Hood! Since "Sovereign's War" is the third of the series, it really needs to be read following the other two. I even went back and reread some of book two, just to get back in the flow of of events.

Tuck and Viguié have once again combined to write a gritty, chilling tome full of magic, fey, and destruction. Yet, this, more than any of the others, is also a book of hope seeping into the darkness, and the darkness not being able to withstand it.

I found this terrifying tale to remind me of not only the struggle between Light and Dark, but also many phrases and situations seemed to have Biblical allusions, if one wants to see them.

The good, the bad, the ugly: it's all here in Sovereign's War. Who wins will determine not only the fate of England, but possibly the world. ( )
  Becky_L | Aug 4, 2017 |
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Viguié, Debbieensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Tuck, James R.päätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


These are dark days for England. The Hood is dead. The Sheriff has summoned an ally--one who leads an army sufficient to enter Sherwood and crush the resistance. Then comes news that King Richard is the prisoner of a pagan ruler. What began as a rebellion has become a war for the throne. With hordes of demons and men at his disposal, the Sheriff is poised to seize power. A desperate mission is mounted to rescue Richard, while those who remain behind must hold off the enemy. Yet even if the true king returns, an epic battle will erupt, and the outcome cannot be foretold.

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