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Archer in Jeopardy (1979)

Tekijä: Ross Macdonald

Sarjat: Lew Archer (Omnibus 7,10,14)

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741364,117 (3.88)1
The doomsters: Lew Archer, MacDonald's celebrated Southern California private detective, hunts for a killer in the hellholes of Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The illustrious and obscenely wealthy Senator Hallman and his large family have had a run if bad luck. First the mother mysteriously croaks. The Senator is the next to greet the Reaper. Then one son is stashed away in the nuthouse for keeps. And that's only the beginning. Maybe old lady Hallman was right when she said there were fates ganging up on the family ----"Doomsters" she called them. But Lew Archer thinks their misfortunes emanate from a more human source---a certain crazed someone who won't quit until he runs out of Hallmans to kill. The zebra-striped hearse: Lew Archer, a private detective, is hired to investigate the background of a wealthy young woman's suitor, who seems to be a fortune hunter. The instant enemy: She was seventeen years old. Her parents were paying Lew Archer to bring her home. When he'd started looking for her she was just another runaway. Now she was a kidnapper.… (lisätietoja)

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This is an omnibus of three mysteries: The Doomsters, published in 1958, Zebra-Striped Hearse, published in 1962 and The Instant Enemy, published in 1968.
Macdonald is big on psychology and all the conditions of mental illness. I enjoyed reading the stories, but not enough to read them again. The characters are pretty well drawn, but the dialog can seem stilted or forced at times; as if he was pushing too hard to write a noir novel. I enjoyed the settings, being a California girl myself, and the atmosphere was very authentic to the times the stories were written in. Archer comes across a lot of people of different races and religions and functions as an observer who reserves judgement, but you get the idea he is not fond of racists, abusers or cruelty to animals or people. ( )
  MrsLee | Jun 30, 2022 |
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Lew Archer (Omnibus 7,10,14)
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The doomsters: Lew Archer, MacDonald's celebrated Southern California private detective, hunts for a killer in the hellholes of Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The illustrious and obscenely wealthy Senator Hallman and his large family have had a run if bad luck. First the mother mysteriously croaks. The Senator is the next to greet the Reaper. Then one son is stashed away in the nuthouse for keeps. And that's only the beginning. Maybe old lady Hallman was right when she said there were fates ganging up on the family ----"Doomsters" she called them. But Lew Archer thinks their misfortunes emanate from a more human source---a certain crazed someone who won't quit until he runs out of Hallmans to kill. The zebra-striped hearse: Lew Archer, a private detective, is hired to investigate the background of a wealthy young woman's suitor, who seems to be a fortune hunter. The instant enemy: She was seventeen years old. Her parents were paying Lew Archer to bring her home. When he'd started looking for her she was just another runaway. Now she was a kidnapper.

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