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Sinister Snickerdoodles

Tekijä: Janel Gradowski, Janel Gradowski

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622,647,126 (5)-
From USA Today bestselling authors Janel Gradowski & Elizabeth Ashby comes a deliciously deadly surprise!Maura Monroe came to Danger Cove, Washington to forget the past and start over. Her newly-found spontaneous side thinks buying the Cinnamon Sugar Bakery is the perfect way to both indulge her passion for baking and gain a fresh start. But her practical, business-savvy side isn't sure it's the safest move-for her heart or her pocketbook! While her two sides duke it out, Maura decides to rent a short-term cottage to feel out the quaint little town. Only things are anything but quaint when her search for a temporary home uncovers a dead body instead of the perfect rental. And when fingers start to point at Maura's handsome new landlord, she finds herself smack in the middle of a small town mystery. The more Maura digs, the more she realizes that secrets abound in this sleepy coastal burg...and someone is willing to kill to keep them buried. Can Maura get to the truth before the killer strikes again? Or will the next body in Danger Cove be hers? The Danger Cove books:Secret of the Painted Lady (a Danger Cove Renovation Mystery)Murder and Mai Tais (a Danger Cove Cocktail Mystery)Death by Scones (a Danger Cove Bakery Mystery)Four-Patch of Trouble (a Danger Cove Quilting Mystery)Deadly Dye and a Soy Chai (a Danger Cove Hair Salon Mystery)Killer Closet Case (a Danger Cove B&B Mystery)Tree of Life and Death (a Danger Cove Quilting Mystery)A Killing in the Market (a Danger Cove Farmers' Market short story in the "Killer Beach Reads" collection)Killer Colada (a Danger Cove Cocktail Mystery)Passion, Poison & Puppy Dogs (a Danger Cove Pet Sitter Mystery)A Novel Death (a Danger Cove Bookshop Mystery)Robbing Peter to Kill Paul (a Danger Cove Quilting Mystery)Sinister Snickerdoodles (a Danger Cove Bakery Mystery)About Danger Cove: Danger Cove is a sleepy little town in the Pacific Northwest and home to renowned mystery novelist, Elizabeth Ashby. While Elizabeth swears the stories she writes are fiction, you can find the inspiration for her murderous tales all over Danger Cove...from the intriguing cast of local characters to the places to eat, play, and explore in Danger Cove. Don't let our name fool you-we're the friendliest (even if deadliest) town in the Pacific Northwest! Visit us at dangercovemysteries.com… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatRaggedyMe, slothman, jetangen4571, Linda.Bass

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Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta.

näyttää 2/2
cozy mystery, amateur sleuth, women sleuths, murder investigation, Danger Cove

After meandering west from Indiana while wallowing in guilt for not really mourning the death of her husband (dimwit was struck by lightning while insisting on playing golf during a thunderstorm), Maura winds up in Danger Cove. When working in high pressure sales, she used to relax by baking and creating recipes, so when she saw that the local bakery was out of business, she began to follow a whim sparked by a passerby. Getting to know this man and so many others, she came to follow her whim, but also became involved in a series of vandalisms and a murder. The mystery is well done with twists and red herrings. Very enjoyable! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Jun 7, 2017 |
I freely chose to review this ARC as the title was intriguing. I liked that Maura Monroe decided to make a drastic change since the death of her husband. She had wanted a divorce since they no longer had anything in common, she didn't want him dead! She left Indiana for the west coast and she stopped at Danger Cove, Washington and ended up playing supercop to catch a murder ,ended up buying a bakery and falling in love............ ( )
  Linda.Bass | Mar 5, 2017 |
näyttää 2/2
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From USA Today bestselling authors Janel Gradowski & Elizabeth Ashby comes a deliciously deadly surprise!Maura Monroe came to Danger Cove, Washington to forget the past and start over. Her newly-found spontaneous side thinks buying the Cinnamon Sugar Bakery is the perfect way to both indulge her passion for baking and gain a fresh start. But her practical, business-savvy side isn't sure it's the safest move-for her heart or her pocketbook! While her two sides duke it out, Maura decides to rent a short-term cottage to feel out the quaint little town. Only things are anything but quaint when her search for a temporary home uncovers a dead body instead of the perfect rental. And when fingers start to point at Maura's handsome new landlord, she finds herself smack in the middle of a small town mystery. The more Maura digs, the more she realizes that secrets abound in this sleepy coastal burg...and someone is willing to kill to keep them buried. Can Maura get to the truth before the killer strikes again? Or will the next body in Danger Cove be hers? The Danger Cove books:Secret of the Painted Lady (a Danger Cove Renovation Mystery)Murder and Mai Tais (a Danger Cove Cocktail Mystery)Death by Scones (a Danger Cove Bakery Mystery)Four-Patch of Trouble (a Danger Cove Quilting Mystery)Deadly Dye and a Soy Chai (a Danger Cove Hair Salon Mystery)Killer Closet Case (a Danger Cove B&B Mystery)Tree of Life and Death (a Danger Cove Quilting Mystery)A Killing in the Market (a Danger Cove Farmers' Market short story in the "Killer Beach Reads" collection)Killer Colada (a Danger Cove Cocktail Mystery)Passion, Poison & Puppy Dogs (a Danger Cove Pet Sitter Mystery)A Novel Death (a Danger Cove Bookshop Mystery)Robbing Peter to Kill Paul (a Danger Cove Quilting Mystery)Sinister Snickerdoodles (a Danger Cove Bakery Mystery)About Danger Cove: Danger Cove is a sleepy little town in the Pacific Northwest and home to renowned mystery novelist, Elizabeth Ashby. While Elizabeth swears the stories she writes are fiction, you can find the inspiration for her murderous tales all over Danger Cove...from the intriguing cast of local characters to the places to eat, play, and explore in Danger Cove. Don't let our name fool you-we're the friendliest (even if deadliest) town in the Pacific Northwest! Visit us at dangercovemysteries.com

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