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High-tech Ventures: The Guide For Entrepreneurial Success

Tekijä: C. Gordon Bell

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
621426,556 (4.5)1
High-Tech Ventures is for those who design, build, and market innovative products--people who are creating the high-tech world of the future. More specifically it is for all engineers, engineering managers, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs. Although engineers are responsible for identifying products and businesses that might benefit their company, all too often their suggestions are rejected. The products don't fit within the current business, or they threaten the status quo. Thus, start-up companies are the main arena for innovation.Entrepreneurs who are considering starting up a company, or who are already doing so, can use this book to determine the health of their venture. With High-Tech Ventures they can systematically assess the exact stages of their company's growth. They can compare their experiences to an ideal model, and sidestep--or eliminate--flaws early enough to save time, money, and even the company itself.High-Tech Ventures provides entrepreneurs with insight into the problems they may face, as well as a formal checklist for measuring success. It is also useful for board members, investors, and service industry personnel who are intimately involved in ventures. Professionals such as attorneys, accountants, technical consultants, and marketing consultants, who support the venture's infrastructure will also find critical information here.High-Tech Ventures includes revealing case studies from major entrepreneurial players such as Sun Microsystems, Apollo, Prime, Amdahl, Cullinet, etc.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatRationalspin, efclune, GreenAmberDawn, mgillett, cwfmd

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Having worked for 4 pre-IPO companies, I've seen a lot of inexperienced entrepeneurs make a lot of ill-advised decisions. Even worse, I've watched their backers blithely sit back and believe that they will become rich on the strength of some new buzzword ( )
  jaygheiser | Jul 23, 2008 |
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High-Tech Ventures is for those who design, build, and market innovative products--people who are creating the high-tech world of the future. More specifically it is for all engineers, engineering managers, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs. Although engineers are responsible for identifying products and businesses that might benefit their company, all too often their suggestions are rejected. The products don't fit within the current business, or they threaten the status quo. Thus, start-up companies are the main arena for innovation.Entrepreneurs who are considering starting up a company, or who are already doing so, can use this book to determine the health of their venture. With High-Tech Ventures they can systematically assess the exact stages of their company's growth. They can compare their experiences to an ideal model, and sidestep--or eliminate--flaws early enough to save time, money, and even the company itself.High-Tech Ventures provides entrepreneurs with insight into the problems they may face, as well as a formal checklist for measuring success. It is also useful for board members, investors, and service industry personnel who are intimately involved in ventures. Professionals such as attorneys, accountants, technical consultants, and marketing consultants, who support the venture's infrastructure will also find critical information here.High-Tech Ventures includes revealing case studies from major entrepreneurial players such as Sun Microsystems, Apollo, Prime, Amdahl, Cullinet, etc.

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