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Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to the Star Wars Universe

Tekijä: Tim Leong

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
889309,607 (4.39)3
"Graphic design guru Tim Leong presents Star Wars trivia in an all-new way--through playful pie charts, bar graphs, and other data-driven infographics. From a Venn diagram of Yoda's idiosyncrasies to an organizational chart of the Empire to a line graph of Grand Moff Tarkin's management decisions, Star Wars Super Graphic shines a new light on the much-adored universe. Equal parts playful and informative, this visual love letter to the vast Star Wars universe will enchant fans of all ages"--… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 9) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
Amazing visual representations (graphs, bar charts, pie charts, etc) of all things Star Wars. This has to take a ton of time to compile and it shows that the author is well-versed in pop culture. A must read for Star Wars fans! ( )
  MarcusH | Aug 7, 2018 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
A bunch of graphs about Star Wars. Not really a good gift for a stats nerd since most of the charts are subjective and a good portion aren't really graphs at all - just low-res graphics of characters with the colors labeled but no axes. But a Star Wars nerd may enjoy the novelty of it. There are spoilers, of course, for everything from A New Hope through The Force Awakens, including the Rebels and Clone Wars TV shows. A fun book to thumb through. ( )
  melydia | Jan 24, 2018 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
This was a great read, perfect for anyone who loves Star Wars and infographics. The images and information presented were fun and interesting. I learned some new things. Highly recommended for Star Wars fans. ( )
  kkunker | Dec 23, 2017 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
First, let me say I love how visually appealing this book is. Time Leong has an esoteric understanding of Star Wars, so if you are interested or want to expand your knowledge, this is the book for you.

I did share this book with a few others and the only complaint is that they wanted to know where the analytical facts/statistics fame from - are they strictly canon or only movie based? (Yes, I know people like that.)

We all felt that this book would make a great coffee table book, because not only is it visual, the content could start different conversations about the Star Wars Universe.

Granted some of the pages are subjective, but most are quite fun and enjoyable. Some pages made me laugh, it’s a delightfully good read!

~And from another friend, if you are into world building/role-playing games (think D&D and its ilk) this book is a must have for all the details held within.

For full disclosure, I did receive a free copy for an honest review, but this review is honest, its a fun book. ( )
  lollyletsgo | Sep 28, 2017 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
Star Wars Super Graphic is a phenomenal book. For those who love the films (and books and comics) and have any interest in graphic design, this is a must have. Tim Leong's Super Graphic (about superheroes, natch) was a blast and this follows the same format. Fun, informative, and sometimes silly charts, maps, and infographics to further your understanding of the Star Wars universe. Leong's work on Entertainment Weekly and the late Comic Foundry is fantastic. Check out this book! ( )
  smcgurr | Sep 24, 2017 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 9) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Graphic design guru Tim Leong presents Star Wars trivia in an all-new way--through playful pie charts, bar graphs, and other data-driven infographics. From a Venn diagram of Yoda's idiosyncrasies to an organizational chart of the Empire to a line graph of Grand Moff Tarkin's management decisions, Star Wars Super Graphic shines a new light on the much-adored universe. Equal parts playful and informative, this visual love letter to the vast Star Wars universe will enchant fans of all ages"--

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Tim Leong's book Star Wars Super Graphic was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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4 3
5 8

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