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The Dragon Finds Forever

Tekijä: Kristen Painter

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
613432,735 (3.5)-
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Welcome to Nocturne Falls, the town that celebrates Halloween 365 days a year.

The tourists think it's all a show: the vampires, the werewolves, the witches, the occasional gargoyle flying through the sky. But the supernaturals populating the town know better.

Living in Nocturne Falls means being yourself. Fangs, fur, and all.

Monalisa Devlin is a Will O' The Wisp, a rare and potentially dangerous creature. Unfortunately, her greedy father makes sure she lives up to that potential. Monalisa is magically compelled to obey her father's evil commands??until he finally agrees to free her in exchange for one, last mission: Travel to Nocturne Falls and use her powers to force Ivan Tsvetkov back into the ring.

Once a champion on the supernatural MMA circuit, Ivan 'The Hammer' Tsvetkov retired after a devastating injury that left him unable to shift into his dragon form. Wounded and embittered, Ivan wants nothing more than to be left alone. Until an infuriating, stubborn, delicately beautiful stranger shows up on his doorstep and demands that he rebuild his life.

Posing as a rehab therapist seemed like the easiest way to get close to the smoldering recluse, but Monalisa quickly realizes that nothing about this mission is going to be easy. To gain his trust, she shares more of herself than she ever has before, and as their connection deepens, so does the weight of her secrets. She thought she was willing to do whatever it took to win her independence...but when her deception blows up in her face, will Monalisa discover that the loss of Ivan's heart is too high a price to pay? Or will their love rise from the ashes to burn stronger than ever?… (lisätietoja)


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näyttää 3/3
I love Kristen Painter's Nocturne Falls series to bits, and this was a great addition. It's such a sweet, heartwarming series where you can always count on cuddly pets, lots of chocolate, and a happy ending. And I particularly love that she continues to work in the characters from her previous novels into the NF world so we can see how their lives have evolved after their main books are done. Van and Lisa were great characters. Interesting to watch a dragon shifter and a wil o the wisp get together. And I loved Grom the dog. Look forward to book eight. ( )
  KatKinney | Mar 3, 2022 |
We're at one star with this one because I abandoned it. I found it tedious, boring, and trite. I might try it again at a later point to see maybe if I'm my mood is more conducive to it and forgiving, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Usually I really enjoy Painter's books from this series, so I'm really disappointed and hope that this series hasn't jumped the shark of the book world. It just feels like it wasn't given the attention her books usually get, but instead it feels like Painter (or even like a ghostwriter who is trying hard but failing) was just checking off some main things that people expect from a paranormal romance without any of the charm Painter usually adds. ( )
  wordcauldron | Jul 10, 2018 |
The Dragon Finds Forever by Kristen Painter

The next book in the Nocturne Falls series where the town celebrates Halloween year-round so the paranormal residents can live in the open.

A darling romance where paranormal is entertaining and amusing.

Monalisa is sent on an errand she doesn't want to do. She doesn't want to use her powers to hurt people. Awww. But Daddy doesn't give her a choice, twisting the screws. Of course, we are routing for her to win her freedom throughout the story.

Van is galant and noble. “He put the super in supernatural.”

Grom, the rescued shelter dog, is adorable. It was cute when Monalisa finds similar traits between the dog and his owner.

Started out a bit rough. She lands on his doorstep, he gives her a place to stay and then he's
obsessed with her? How did that happen? I'm all for love at first sight or instant attraction, but it wasn't mentioned before he obsessed. It gets better, of course. I love these books and the characters. They are fun and super entertaining. This one includes cameos of Nick and Willa from a prior book as well as a few others. With hints of more to come. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Feb 24, 2017 |
näyttää 3/3
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Welcome to Nocturne Falls, the town that celebrates Halloween 365 days a year.

The tourists think it's all a show: the vampires, the werewolves, the witches, the occasional gargoyle flying through the sky. But the supernaturals populating the town know better.

Living in Nocturne Falls means being yourself. Fangs, fur, and all.

Monalisa Devlin is a Will O' The Wisp, a rare and potentially dangerous creature. Unfortunately, her greedy father makes sure she lives up to that potential. Monalisa is magically compelled to obey her father's evil commands??until he finally agrees to free her in exchange for one, last mission: Travel to Nocturne Falls and use her powers to force Ivan Tsvetkov back into the ring.

Once a champion on the supernatural MMA circuit, Ivan 'The Hammer' Tsvetkov retired after a devastating injury that left him unable to shift into his dragon form. Wounded and embittered, Ivan wants nothing more than to be left alone. Until an infuriating, stubborn, delicately beautiful stranger shows up on his doorstep and demands that he rebuild his life.

Posing as a rehab therapist seemed like the easiest way to get close to the smoldering recluse, but Monalisa quickly realizes that nothing about this mission is going to be easy. To gain his trust, she shares more of herself than she ever has before, and as their connection deepens, so does the weight of her secrets. She thought she was willing to do whatever it took to win her independence...but when her deception blows up in her face, will Monalisa discover that the loss of Ivan's heart is too high a price to pay? Or will their love rise from the ashes to burn stronger than ever?

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3 11
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