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The Wide Circumference of Love

Tekijä: Marita Golden

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1053262,221 (4)1
Fiction. African American Fiction. Literature. HTML:A 2018 NAACP Image Award nominee and an NPR Best Book of 2017, a moving African-American family drama of love, devotion, and Alzheimer's disease.
Diane Tate never expected to slowly lose her talented husband to the debilitating effects of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. As a respected family court judge, she's spent her life making tough calls, but when her sixty-eight-year-old husband's health worsens and Diane is forced to move him into an assisted living facility, it seems her world is spinning out of control.
As Gregory's memory wavers and fades, Diane and her children must reexamine their connection to the man he once wasâ??and learn to love the man he has become. For Diane' daughter Lauren, it means honoring her father by following in his footsteps as a successful architect. For her son Sean, it means finding a way to repair the strained relationship with his father before it's too late. Supporting her children in a changing landscape, Diane remains resolute in her goal to keep her family togetherâ??until her husband finds love with another resident of the facility. Suddenly faced with an uncertain future, Diane must choose a new pathâ??and discover her own capacity
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In this novel, a family confronts Alzheimer's disease in the patriarch, a former architect in Washington, DC. It advances suddenly and quickly until he is institutionalized in a "home" with others who have the disease, dementia or other health issues. There, he is glommed on to by a woman who becomes his lover, while his wife witnesses, and ultimately has her own affair with a longtime friend. The book shows the human side of how the disease affects everyone in the family, including two adult children, and the man's business and business partner. It is both devastating and hopeful, because, as the title suggests, love is at its center. Filled with Washingtoniana, it is a beautiful tribute to a terrible thing happening in families, and especially African American families everywhere.
  sungene | Jul 4, 2019 |
In this novel Marita Golden brings so many issues to the forefront of her story--Alzheimer's Disease, racism, family, loyalty, and some history of Washington D.C., and does so in a wonderful way. Gregory Tate, who helped establish the first major black architectural firm in Washington D.C., is an active, dynamic man in his 60's, still with a very active career, when he begins to have concerns about his memory and mental confusion. His wife Diane is a family court judge, and they have a vibrant marriage, with two adult children. As Diane becomes increasingly concerned about her husband, she reflects back on the early years of their courtship and marriage. As the family comes together to help Gregory in every way they can, they also struggle with their own pain and conflicts. This is an excellent read, on many different levels. ( )
  jhoaglin | Sep 30, 2017 |
To me, this book could not be any better. Marita Golden's The Wide Circumference of Love gives us a realistic story of a African-American family experiencing Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is a major storm to the stability and love of a family. Instead of being mainly about Gregory who has Alzheimer's it more about the tremendous effect on his wife, Diane, his daughter, Lauren and his son, Sean. For each of them there is a before and after. What was their relationship to him before he started having symptoms. What was his life like at work before? What about Diane who totally missed out on having a comfortable childhood?

Racial issues were there but they were not the main focus. I am very impressed with Diane who goes from a child more in hiding from a terrible crime that tore her family apart to a woman who could come to terms with her anger and learn forgiveness and express her understanding. It Diane, Lauren and Sean were real people I would love to have them in my life.

The author's writing is very straightforward and intelligent. I would be very happy to read any of her future books. As a person with family member who had dementia and Alzheimer's she totally portrayed it truthfully and understood the violent pain it causes on spouses and the children of the person having it.

I received this Advanced Reading Copy by making a selection from Amazon Vine books but that in no way influenced my thoughts or feelings in this review. I also posted this review only on sites meant for reading not for selling. ( )
  Carolee888 | May 6, 2017 |
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Fiction. African American Fiction. Literature. HTML:A 2018 NAACP Image Award nominee and an NPR Best Book of 2017, a moving African-American family drama of love, devotion, and Alzheimer's disease.
Diane Tate never expected to slowly lose her talented husband to the debilitating effects of early-onset Alzheimer's disease. As a respected family court judge, she's spent her life making tough calls, but when her sixty-eight-year-old husband's health worsens and Diane is forced to move him into an assisted living facility, it seems her world is spinning out of control.
As Gregory's memory wavers and fades, Diane and her children must reexamine their connection to the man he once wasâ??and learn to love the man he has become. For Diane' daughter Lauren, it means honoring her father by following in his footsteps as a successful architect. For her son Sean, it means finding a way to repair the strained relationship with his father before it's too late. Supporting her children in a changing landscape, Diane remains resolute in her goal to keep her family togetherâ??until her husband finds love with another resident of the facility. Suddenly faced with an uncertain future, Diane must choose a new pathâ??and discover her own capacity

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