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A Cent a Story: The Best from Ten Detective Aces

Tekijä: Garyn G. Roberts

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812,176,795 (3)2
This book reproduces ten of the best stories that appeared in Ten Detective Aces. The detectives that appeared during the height of Ten Detective Aces, that period from 1932 to 1936, were Hard-Boiled, Avengers or a mixture of the two.

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There’s a reason that Black Mask is/was the premier pulp mystery magazine for so long. It had the best. In the introduction to A Cent A Story! The Best from Ten Detective Aces, editor Garyn G. Roberts makes the case that Ten Detective Aces magazine was cutting edge at the time. Well, based on the 10 stories in this anthology, it is nowhere near cutting edge.


Debuting in 1928 and originally entitled The Dragnet and changed to Detective-Dragnet Magazine and ultimately to Ten Detective Aces in 1933, Roberts states that “…a small detective pulp debuted which would in its own way substantially mold the form for detectives to come.” “…and for his dime, the reader got ten fast-paced mysteries, complete in each issue.” Only a cent a story!

True, the anthology does contain stories by some of the pulp greats: Norvell Page, Lester Dent, Frederick C. Davis. However, if you are looking for hard boiled mystery, gritty, noir, the stuff of Hammett and Chandler, you won’t find it in A Cent A Story! The stories are strange, off beat, which is OK. It just isn’t my cup of tea.

I love everything mystery pulp and am glad I read this, but if you’re a novice in the pulp mystery genre and want to start slow, I’d suggest The Black Mask Boys: Masters in the Hard-Boiled School of Detective Fiction edited by William F. Nolan with eight great stories or The Hardboiled Dicks edited by Ron Goulart. ( )
  EdGoldberg | Apr 19, 2016 |
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This book reproduces ten of the best stories that appeared in Ten Detective Aces. The detectives that appeared during the height of Ten Detective Aces, that period from 1932 to 1936, were Hard-Boiled, Avengers or a mixture of the two.

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