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Three by Atiq Rahimi: Earth and Ashes, A Thousand Rooms of Dream and Fear, The Patience Stone

Tekijä: Atiq Rahimi

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1711,254,933 (4)-
Three short novels--including Prix Goncourt-winning The Patience Stone --that convey years of Afghan history, heartache, and hope. Never before in paperback.   Atiq Rahimi's reputation for writing war stories of immense drama and intimacy began with his first novel, Earth and Ashes, about fathers and sons and the terrible strain inflicted on families, when an Afghan village is destroyed by the Russian army.   A Thousand Rooms of Dream and Fear takes place in 1979, during a period of social and political upheaval in Kabul. On the way home from a night of drinking, a university student named Farhad is arrested and brutally beaten. A few hours later, broken and confused, he slowly regains consciousness, only to find himself in the care of a beautiful woman who has dragged him into her home to protect him.   Winner of the Prix Goncourt, The Patience Stone is the tale of a woman caring for her brain-damaged husband, who was shot in the neck during a petty conflict. After years of living in a society of Islamic fundamentalism, she finds herself strangely liberated by her husband's condition. She tells him her innermost thoughts and secrets, many of them dark and deeply repressed, never knowing whether he's able to hear her or not.… (lisätietoja)

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Earth and Ashes:
Only eighty pages long, a novella of extraordinary intensity: the journey of an old man and his grandson to see the old man's son (and the boy's father) after a Russian attack decimates their Afghan village and nearly everyone is killed. The first half of the book describes their wait at a checkpoint for a ride to take them on the last leg of their journey; the second half is about the old man's ride to and arrival at his destination. I tend not to read contemporary stuff for a number of reasons but this is remarkable for its timeliness and its timelessness.
Patience Stone: This work does nothing to change my opinion: he is a gifted observer and writer. The story is very simple: a woman cares for her comatose husband. It takes place in Afghanistan and, indeed, almost all of the book takes place in a single room. Although the war is always present, it’s never the focus—but its effect on people is ever-present and indelible. The story is the woman’s story, from her betrothal to the present moment, though told in retrospect. I think perhaps the best way I can urge you to read this is by quoting from a “review” by a woman on goodreads: “Very boring alternating with extremely depressing and painful, with the most HORRIFYING and DISGUSTING ending you could even possibly imagine. There's just no upside to reading this, just zero.” I hope you’re tempted now. An easy, if ultimately sad and yes, depressing, book. But very well worth your time. ( )
  Gypsy_Boy | Aug 24, 2023 |
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Three short novels--including Prix Goncourt-winning The Patience Stone --that convey years of Afghan history, heartache, and hope. Never before in paperback.   Atiq Rahimi's reputation for writing war stories of immense drama and intimacy began with his first novel, Earth and Ashes, about fathers and sons and the terrible strain inflicted on families, when an Afghan village is destroyed by the Russian army.   A Thousand Rooms of Dream and Fear takes place in 1979, during a period of social and political upheaval in Kabul. On the way home from a night of drinking, a university student named Farhad is arrested and brutally beaten. A few hours later, broken and confused, he slowly regains consciousness, only to find himself in the care of a beautiful woman who has dragged him into her home to protect him.   Winner of the Prix Goncourt, The Patience Stone is the tale of a woman caring for her brain-damaged husband, who was shot in the neck during a petty conflict. After years of living in a society of Islamic fundamentalism, she finds herself strangely liberated by her husband's condition. She tells him her innermost thoughts and secrets, many of them dark and deeply repressed, never knowing whether he's able to hear her or not.

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