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Derision: A Novel

Tekijä: Trisha Wolfe

Sarjat: Broken Bonds (7)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1621,312,989 (3.9)-
Here at Lark and Gannet, you'll work directly under the partners, being groomed by the most powerful, all-male partnership to handle an exclusive clientele. While within The Firm, your level of training goes deeper, requiring more...varied tasks, which you're obligated to perform to your Master's pleasing. Are you nervous? You should be. Chase Larkin has chosen you to be his submissive. Alexis Wilde, will you submit? All I wanted was to save my brother. Something my parents failed to do--and then, I failed him also. As an introvert, getting ahead in the cutthroat law firm required a level of ego stroking I didn't posses, and that meant my talents were overlooked. Until Chase Larkin noticed me. My erotic fantasy come to life, Chase is all powerful, all man, all dominant. In one night, he changed my life irrevocably. Now I'm ruined, destined to crave him forever. His scent. His taste. His brutal touch... If I never followed him to his office that night, then none of this would've happened. A stalker on the prowl. Our lives in jeopardy. And only a moment--one pivotal moment--to decide our fate. His life or mine.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Intricate story that shows how some men when given too much power get over inflated ego's and god complexes which leads to an abuse of that power some in nefarious ways.

This story is about a group of men that run a law firm. These men are also Doms that run a exclusive and very private BDSM sex club. Their dominate ways are blended into their work environment with their employees. They live life like a game of chess. Every move/decision made can either bring you an advantage or a disadvantage.

There were some things that worked for me in this book and other things that didnt. The current case they were working on about a serial rapist brought up good points – Do you go ahead and defend a man who may or may not be guilty. Is it ok to defame the rape victims just to get your client acquitted? As this plot thread went on there were some surprising twist by the end.

Chase Larkin is one of the head partners that works at Lark and Gannet. He is also a Dominant that also runs The Firm – the sex club that all his partners and employees are part of. A year ago they hired a meek woman to be an intern. She had no idea of the “rules” at Lark and Gannet that a promotion to paralegal meant also having to become a submissive to one of the partners. Chase has never taken a submissive before. Now that Alexis has come up for “auction” per se Chase decides he wants no other to have her.

Alexis Wilde has not had an easy life. After her parents died she became responsible for her emotionally challenged brother who had a drug problem. Needing money to get him the help he needed she applies for an is accepted at a very prestigious law firm not knowing what went on behind the scenes. She had no idea that her applying for a promotion would mean she also had to become Chase's submissive and all that entails. She agrees to the terms but something neither of them realizes is this has brought her to the attention of a sick twisted man.

I liked Chase and Alexis together – they were evenly suited for each other. What I wished for was the characters to have been a little more fleshed out – more time taken before they got into a Dom/Sub relationship. The relationship aspect was a little to rushed for me especially since Alexis was clueless to lifestyle. There were some other hot points for me but the ending was satisfying.

If your a lover of over the top alpha doms who talk dirty along with liking a little suspense mixed in with your BDSM then I recommend reading Derision. ( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
Okay, so I know that I am usually an YA blog and mostly read those types of books, so I totally understand if this isn't for some of my readers. But I adore Trisha Wolfe, and she has helped me branch out into other genres. I know that I can count on characters that I like and a hot romance, even if the descriptions of the sex is ramped up to the max in this and in her Visions of Red series, that was preparation for the hotness and intensity of the BDSM in this one.

Derision is told in alternating perspectives of Chase and Alexis. He is the top guy in the firm and she was an intern and submits her application to be advanced. But the firm isn't just about law, it is about men who are doms/masters, and the ones who are promoted are submissives. They have all been eyeing Alexis but they weren't sure if she was the best candidate. But Chase longed for her and finally claimed her when others were showing interest as well.

Alexis has to decide if she will accept him as her master, and in doing so, she has to face a lot of things about herself. Can she be dominated? Is her shame and self-doubt all because she was missing this from her life? Can she learn to trust again? Chase tries to ease her into it, but he doesn't control his lust as much and rushes a few things.

But it was more than sex, everything just brought them closer together. Alexis figuring out how to still be herself, but to fall into the role of submitting and letting Chase make the decisions about what is best for her. Chase doesn't apologize for who he is and what he wants, and he always gave Alexis an out if she ever decided it was too much. He protected her, and took his responsibility seriously.

Their love and lust plays out pretty quickly. They both have been in a bit of dry spell, and they give in to their attraction and play out fantasies as they are figuring out their details and how their bdsm life will be for them.

Bottom Line: Intense and hot-- very, very hot. ( )
  brandileigh2003 | Jun 11, 2016 |
näyttää 2/2
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Here at Lark and Gannet, you'll work directly under the partners, being groomed by the most powerful, all-male partnership to handle an exclusive clientele. While within The Firm, your level of training goes deeper, requiring more...varied tasks, which you're obligated to perform to your Master's pleasing. Are you nervous? You should be. Chase Larkin has chosen you to be his submissive. Alexis Wilde, will you submit? All I wanted was to save my brother. Something my parents failed to do--and then, I failed him also. As an introvert, getting ahead in the cutthroat law firm required a level of ego stroking I didn't posses, and that meant my talents were overlooked. Until Chase Larkin noticed me. My erotic fantasy come to life, Chase is all powerful, all man, all dominant. In one night, he changed my life irrevocably. Now I'm ruined, destined to crave him forever. His scent. His taste. His brutal touch... If I never followed him to his office that night, then none of this would've happened. A stalker on the prowl. Our lives in jeopardy. And only a moment--one pivotal moment--to decide our fate. His life or mine.

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