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Strong Is the New Pretty: A Celebration of Girls Being Themselves

Tekijä: Kate T. Parker

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2207124,058 (4.53)1
"Girls being fearless. Girls being silly. Girls being wild, stubborn, and proud. Girls whose faces are smeared with dirt and lit up with joy. So simple and yet so powerful, Strong Is the New Pretty celebrates, through more than 175 memorable photographs, the strength and spirit of girls being 100% themselves. Real beauty isn't about being a certain size, acting a certain way, wearing the right clothes, or having your hair done (or even brushed). Real beauty is about being your authentic self and owning it. Kate T. Parker is a professional photographer who finds the real beauty in girls, capturing it for all the world to see in candid and arresting images. A celebration, a catalog of spirit in words and smiles, an affirmation of the fact that it's what's inside you that counts, Strong Is the New Pretty conveys a powerful message for every girl, for every mother and father of a girl, for every coach and mentor and teacher, for everyone in the village that it takes to raise a strong and self-confident person."--… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
There is nothing that makes me angrier or more upset than people criticizing anyone for trying to express themselves. Kate Parker opens the book with an introduction that starts with a story about her hair getting in her way when playing soccer and how happy she was to have it chopped off into a bowl cut. When I was 6, I did the same thing. I wanted to be just like Kerri Strug. I wanted to play ice hockey. I used to pester my parents for an older brother and was given the explanation that as the oldest child, I would not be getting an older brother to play hockey with. (Little did my parents anticipate they would get divorced and I would get my older brother! But that’s beside the point.)

Basically, I wanted to do everything – play sports, play instruments, run races, ride by bike around our lake, jump in the stream beside my dad’s house, take art classes, read constantly – I had more interests than there were hours in the day to pursue them, which is still the case. And the greatest thing about my childhood? My parents let me. Regardless of my parents’ differences, they were united on at least one front : my sister and I were allowed to pursue basically anything that we wanted, we were allowed to try anything we wanted, even shop in the boys clothing section if that’s what we wanted.

I wish there was a book like Strong is the New Pretty around when I was a child and had to explain to the boys in my class and my friends’ parents that being a tomboy was perfectly acceptable. Kate Parker takes the approach to raising girls that my parents did and for that, I am most grateful to her. As one of my friends is expecting her first child, a girl, in a few short months, I want her daughter to know that she can be whatever, and whoever, she wants to be, both when she’s a kid and when she grows up. ( )
  smorton11 | Oct 29, 2022 |
Note: I received a digital galley of this book through NetGalley; I received an ARC from the publisher at ALA Midwinter 2017.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
This inspiring book has some text at the beginning of each chapter, and each photo has a short quote from the girl photographed, as well as her name and age.

Parker celebrates the different ways American girls are strong, and traits that mean different kinds of strength. Friendship, talent, and bravery also get repeated mentions.

Great photography, I would love a follow-up on these same girls in 10 years. And maybe 20.

Great for girls of all ages. ( )
  Dreesie | Mar 20, 2019 |
Strong is the New Pretty: A guided journal for girls is a tween book that celebrates the power of girls from ages 7-14. The book combines activity, writing, and drawing prompts with photos, quotes, and challenges. The pages are colorfully decorated and invite doodling and note-taking. The blue elastic cord is attached with grommets and keeps the book from flapping open, and a colorful orange ribbon is sewn into the binding to mark the reader's page. Strong is the New Pretty is for princesses, athletes, bookworms, and dreamers.

Note: My copy of Strong is the New Pretty was provided by the publisher.

https://shelf-employed.blogspot.com ( )
  shelf-employed | Dec 8, 2018 |
I absolutely love this book. The girls are so strong and the quotes are great. Beautiful photos throughout. ( )
  MHanover10 | Feb 4, 2018 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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"Girls being fearless. Girls being silly. Girls being wild, stubborn, and proud. Girls whose faces are smeared with dirt and lit up with joy. So simple and yet so powerful, Strong Is the New Pretty celebrates, through more than 175 memorable photographs, the strength and spirit of girls being 100% themselves. Real beauty isn't about being a certain size, acting a certain way, wearing the right clothes, or having your hair done (or even brushed). Real beauty is about being your authentic self and owning it. Kate T. Parker is a professional photographer who finds the real beauty in girls, capturing it for all the world to see in candid and arresting images. A celebration, a catalog of spirit in words and smiles, an affirmation of the fact that it's what's inside you that counts, Strong Is the New Pretty conveys a powerful message for every girl, for every mother and father of a girl, for every coach and mentor and teacher, for everyone in the village that it takes to raise a strong and self-confident person."--

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