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Doctor Who: Terrible Lizards

Tekijä: Jonathan Green

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231989,690 (3)1
In Terrible Lizards, the Eleventh Doctor and hisfriends join a group of explorers on a Victorian tramp steamer in the FloridaEverglades. The explorers are searching for the Fountain of Youth, but neitherthey nor the treasure they seek are quite what they seem . . .

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I’m really enjoying this Eleventh Doctor Adventures series. It’s published by BBC Children’s Stories, so I suppose they are geared towards kids (I found them in the Teen section at my library), and maybe that’s why they are so enjoyable. They aren’t too dark – this one for instance didn’t even really have a bad guy, just a bad situation. They are short, but not too short, and they are filled with action. So, maybe gearing them towards young people helps in some ways.

So, how was this one specifically? Well, it was quite good. Like I said, it was filled with action, and the plot was loads of fun. But the best thing, and I think maybe the thing that makes or breaks Doctor Who tie-ins, was the characterization. Green gets the voices of Eleven, Amy, and Rory just right. You can hear them speaking in your head as you read, and everything felt true to character. There’s nothing that pulls me out of a story more than getting to a part and thinking “The Doctor would never say that!” Overall, it was a lot of fun and would have made a terrific episode. ( )
  virginiahomeschooler | Jun 8, 2018 |
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In Terrible Lizards, the Eleventh Doctor and hisfriends join a group of explorers on a Victorian tramp steamer in the FloridaEverglades. The explorers are searching for the Fountain of Youth, but neitherthey nor the treasure they seek are quite what they seem . . .

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