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Wild Ride

Tekijä: Chantal Fernando

Sarjat: Wind Dragons MC (6)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1331,536,951 (3.63)-
Internationally best-selling author Chantal Fernando brings fans another sexy motorcycle novella in the Wind Dragons MC series, as rival club president Talon has to decide what's more dangerous: facing down the WDMC, or losing his heart to a woman under their protection. Talon has a complicated relationship with the Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club. He's the president of their rival club, the Wild Men, but he's also related to one of their members - who hates him. He could handle that, but he's also got problems in his own club; someone is leaking information and disrupting their business, but Talon can't find the mole. So the last thing he needs is even more complication in the form of a beautiful single mother who's bolder than half the bikers on his squad. But he can't take his eyes - or his hands - off her....Tia's always been a little reckless, up for a good time wherever she found it, but she's also a great mom to her young son. So even though she thinks Talon is basically sex on a stick, when she realizes she wants to be more to him than just a club groupie, she has to take things a bit slow. Plus, a momentary attraction, no matter how smoking hot, isn't worth risking her son's happiness in any way. Is there any chance that Talon might be up for a more permanent arrangement? Or has Tia leapt before looking once again?… (lisätietoja)

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Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta.

näyttää 3/3
Talon and Tia.
Talon has a complicated history with the Wind Dragons, he belongs to an opposing club and has family connections with the WD.
The Hero and heroine are all about each other.
Initial pushing away from the Hero but it doesn't last long.
Although the series is a book per couple, storyline and enemy plots are built through the series so it's best to read in order.
This book end with a sort of HFN but leading straight into the next book to have issues resolved.
No intimate scenes with anyone other than the Hero and heroine.
The Hero is not a manwhore type. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
I really wish this would have been a full length book and not a novella. After the last book I had really hoped that Tia and Talon would get together. This novella follows both of them and their growing relationship.

I couldn't get enough of this novella. The sparks flying between Tia and Talon had me hooked and dying for more. I really liked that when they finally got together that they didn't let anyone else's opinion of their relationship get in the way. They are probably one of my favorite couples of this series (second to Sin and Faye).

There was more to the book than just Tia and Talon's relationship. Talon is having problems with his MC. I was really interested in this storyline and was really disappointed with the abrupt ending. Nothing gets solved at all and I was left hanging.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the galley. ( )
  dpappas | Jul 30, 2016 |
This novella is Tia and Talon's story and I recommend you reading the previous books in the series first.
Talon is the president of the Wind Dragons MC rivals the Wild Men and he unfortunately has come to the conclusion that he can't trust his own club, someone is leaking information and things are looking bad. Tia is a single mom who's not shy when she out for a good time, Talon has caught her eye but she still thinks of her son when her feelings for him become stronger. Can Talon be trusted to bring her and her son to a safe club? Will he treat her well and except her son? Tia has a lot to think about and Talon has a lot on his mind with his problems in his MC and his feelings for Tia.

I love the characters in this short but very entertaining story. I got a little lost in the middle, thought I had missed something, but when I finished I realized there's more to come. A great book, I would highly recommend it. ( )
  JulieD2 | Jul 30, 2016 |
näyttää 3/3
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Internationally best-selling author Chantal Fernando brings fans another sexy motorcycle novella in the Wind Dragons MC series, as rival club president Talon has to decide what's more dangerous: facing down the WDMC, or losing his heart to a woman under their protection. Talon has a complicated relationship with the Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club. He's the president of their rival club, the Wild Men, but he's also related to one of their members - who hates him. He could handle that, but he's also got problems in his own club; someone is leaking information and disrupting their business, but Talon can't find the mole. So the last thing he needs is even more complication in the form of a beautiful single mother who's bolder than half the bikers on his squad. But he can't take his eyes - or his hands - off her....Tia's always been a little reckless, up for a good time wherever she found it, but she's also a great mom to her young son. So even though she thinks Talon is basically sex on a stick, when she realizes she wants to be more to him than just a club groupie, she has to take things a bit slow. Plus, a momentary attraction, no matter how smoking hot, isn't worth risking her son's happiness in any way. Is there any chance that Talon might be up for a more permanent arrangement? Or has Tia leapt before looking once again?

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