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Edward IV (2004)

Tekijä: Michael Hicks

Sarjat: Reputations

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1511,378,811 (4)-
Edward IV was the first Yorkist king. He ruled (with only a brief hiatus) for 22 years, ended the Wars of the Roses triumphantly in 1471, and died in his bed not invariably the place of death for a medieval monarch. The best general of his day, he destroyed the House of Lancaster. At a very difficult time, he redeemed royal prestige at home and abroad, restored order and public finances, and crushed all his opponents, including his brother Clarence. His son Edward V, still a minor, succeeded him peacefully. Yet within months Edward was deposed in favour of Richard III, his uncle. The Wars of the Roses resumed, Edward IV's sons met violent deaths, and so at Bosworth Field did the usurping Richard III. Assessment of Edward IV is inextricably bound up not only in the record of his reign, itself much disputed, but also with what turned out to be his baleful legacy. This book explores how his reputation has changed and analyses the major issues in light of contemporary and later perceptions of this controversial king… (lisätietoja)

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The reputation of Edward IV of England has varied enormously over the centuries, ranging from being accounted a great king to being considered a failure. Hicks traces these swings from Edward's own time until the present. A scholar of the era himself, Hicks has his own opinions, but focuses on the history rather than his own views. Along the way, he provides insight into changes in historical research.

The book is divided into sections according to topics, e.g., The King's Wars, Edward's First Reign, and traces opinions chronologically for each. Hicks also discusses the controversies, such as the proper relationship between the king and the nobles, and points out that how one views Edward will depend on one's opinion on those subjects.

An excellent book for people who are very interested iln the era. It is also a salutory examination of the changeability of historical "truths", and how new evidence can upset settled opinions. ( )
  PuddinTame | Sep 6, 2009 |
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Edward IV has always been a controversial king. (Preface)
This book is about the historical reputation of one of the least know of English kings.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Edward IV was the first Yorkist king. He ruled (with only a brief hiatus) for 22 years, ended the Wars of the Roses triumphantly in 1471, and died in his bed not invariably the place of death for a medieval monarch. The best general of his day, he destroyed the House of Lancaster. At a very difficult time, he redeemed royal prestige at home and abroad, restored order and public finances, and crushed all his opponents, including his brother Clarence. His son Edward V, still a minor, succeeded him peacefully. Yet within months Edward was deposed in favour of Richard III, his uncle. The Wars of the Roses resumed, Edward IV's sons met violent deaths, and so at Bosworth Field did the usurping Richard III. Assessment of Edward IV is inextricably bound up not only in the record of his reign, itself much disputed, but also with what turned out to be his baleful legacy. This book explores how his reputation has changed and analyses the major issues in light of contemporary and later perceptions of this controversial king

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