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Natural Born Charmer

Tekijä: Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Chicago Stars (7)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,5775311,442 (4.07)39
Chicago Stars quarterback Dean Robillard is the luckiest man in the world: a bona-fide sports superstar and the pride of the NFL with a profitable side career as a buff billboard model for End Zone underwear. But life in the glory lane has started to pale, and Dean has set off on a cross-country trip to figure out what's gone wrong. When he hits a lonely stretch of Colorado highway, he spies something that will shake up his gilded life in ways he can't imagine. A young woman . . . dressed in a beaver suit. Blue Bailey is on a mission to murder her ex. Or at least inflict serious damage. As for the beaver suit she's wearing . . . Is it her fault that life keeps throwing her curveballs? Witness the expensive black sports car pulling up next to her on the highway and the Greek god stepping out of it. Blue's career as a portrait painter is the perfect job for someone who refuses to stay in one place for very long. She needs a ride, and America's most famous football player has an imposing set of wheels. Now, all she has to do is keep him entertained, off guard, and fully clothed before he figures out exactly how desperate she is. But Dean isn't the brainless jock she imagines, and Blue--despite her petite stature--is just about the toughest woman Dean has ever met. They're soon heading for his summer home where their already complicated lives and inconvenient attraction to each other will become entangled with a charismatic but aging rock star; a beautiful fifty-two-year-old woman trying to make peace with her rock and roll past; an eleven-year-old who desperately needs a family; and a bitter old woman who hates them all. As the summer progresses, the wandering portrait artist and the charming football star play a high-stakes game, fighting themselves and each other for a chance to have it all. Natural Born Charmer is for everyone who's ever thought about leaving their old life in the dust and never looking back. New York Times bestselling author Susan Elizabeth Phillips takes us home again . . . and shows us where love truly lives… (lisätietoja)
  1. 00
    Agnes and the Hitman (tekijä: Jennifer Crusie) (emania)
    emania: It's the same kind of feel about the relationship between the couple and both female leads are sassy and smart and independent and both male leads are sharp and the banter between them is fantastic. Also, the secondary characters in both novels are well developed and fleshed out and both novels have good underlying plots other than just to get the main characters in the sack together. Also, and probably most importantly for me, they both made me laugh so hard I cried while reading them while keeping me in touch with the characters as people.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 39 mainintaa

englanti (51)  italia (1)  espanja (1)  Kaikki kielet (53)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 53) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Bellissimo come tutti gli altri della serie. Lei, Blue Bailey, è figlia di un'attivista della pace che ha sempre preferito andare per il mondo a seguire le sue battaglie lasciando sin da piccola Blue in custodia dove capitava. Lui, Dean Robillard, è un bravissimo giocatore dei Chicago Stars, figlio non riconosciuto di un famoso cantante rock e di una ex groupie, cresciuto senza l'affetto dei genitori da sempre separati. Il loro incontro, molto particolare, sarà l’inizio di una storia che rivoluzionerà non solo le loro vite ma anche quelle di un paese e dei genitori di Dean che troverà anche una sorella. Una bella storia, ben scritta e raccontata, personaggi efficacemente caratterizzati e perfettamente inseriti nella vicenda che si rivela ancora una volta intrigante, avvincente, emozionante e divertente, un altro libro imperdibile di questa serie che adoro. ( )
  Raffaella10 | Apr 9, 2024 |
I really enjoyed this. It reminded me of some of the older Jennifer Crusie books, but with a little more emotional depth and development of side characters. I'll have to check out some of this author's other books. ( )
  Greenfrog342 | Jan 22, 2024 |
Natural Born Charmer
3 Stars

Unfortunately, I am in the minority when it comes to this book. While the initial setup is outrageously amusing and had me laughing out loud, the story ultimately loses its charm along the way.

Dean and Blue's bickering and banter are very entertaining, but they cannot compensate for their complete lack of chemistry. In fact, they come across more like squabbling siblings than lovers. It is also difficult to accept that the self-absorbed jock from the previous book would take a sudden and inexplicable shine to a down and out curmudgeon like Blue, no matter how cute and feisty she may be.

While the secondary plot involving Dean's neglected and lonely half-sister is heartbreakingly appealing, the other stories revolving around his parents and assorted townspeople feel like little more than page filler.

Overall, not one of SEPs best. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 5, 2023 |
Dean Robillard, jugador de los Chicago Stars, es el hombre más afortunado del mundo: es una auténtica estrella deportiva y acaba de iniciar una prolífica carrera como modelo de ropa interior. Pero el camino a la gloria ha comenzado su declive, y Dean decide hacer un viaje por carretera en un intento por comprender qué es lo que no marcha bien en su vida. Pero lo que no sabe es que muy pronto conocerá a alguien que pondrá su mundo del revés.
Blue Bailey sólo tiene un objetivo en la vida: vengarse de su ex. Para ello cuenta con la ayuda de un auténtico dios griego, el jugador de fútbol americano más famoso de América, que se ofrece a llevarla en su Aston Martin. Sin embargo, Dean no es el deportista descerebrado que ella había imaginado…
  Natt90 | Mar 1, 2023 |
May 2, 2013:
Had a hankering to re-read this. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed this the first time around.

March 22, 2007 Review:
This is a wonderful novel about just what makes up a family. Football star Dean Robillard meets Blue when she's down on her luck, and they end up at his new farm where they are tossed in with Dean's estranged mother, his rock star father, his runaway half-sister, and an old woman who appears to hate the world but just wants to belong. I couldn't put it down. Very very well done job by Phillips. ( )
  wisemetis | Dec 26, 2022 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 53) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Phillips, Susan Elizabethensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Fields, Annapäätekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Chicago Stars quarterback Dean Robillard is the luckiest man in the world: a bona-fide sports superstar and the pride of the NFL with a profitable side career as a buff billboard model for End Zone underwear. But life in the glory lane has started to pale, and Dean has set off on a cross-country trip to figure out what's gone wrong. When he hits a lonely stretch of Colorado highway, he spies something that will shake up his gilded life in ways he can't imagine. A young woman . . . dressed in a beaver suit. Blue Bailey is on a mission to murder her ex. Or at least inflict serious damage. As for the beaver suit she's wearing . . . Is it her fault that life keeps throwing her curveballs? Witness the expensive black sports car pulling up next to her on the highway and the Greek god stepping out of it. Blue's career as a portrait painter is the perfect job for someone who refuses to stay in one place for very long. She needs a ride, and America's most famous football player has an imposing set of wheels. Now, all she has to do is keep him entertained, off guard, and fully clothed before he figures out exactly how desperate she is. But Dean isn't the brainless jock she imagines, and Blue--despite her petite stature--is just about the toughest woman Dean has ever met. They're soon heading for his summer home where their already complicated lives and inconvenient attraction to each other will become entangled with a charismatic but aging rock star; a beautiful fifty-two-year-old woman trying to make peace with her rock and roll past; an eleven-year-old who desperately needs a family; and a bitter old woman who hates them all. As the summer progresses, the wandering portrait artist and the charming football star play a high-stakes game, fighting themselves and each other for a chance to have it all. Natural Born Charmer is for everyone who's ever thought about leaving their old life in the dust and never looking back. New York Times bestselling author Susan Elizabeth Phillips takes us home again . . . and shows us where love truly lives

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