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The ABCs of Socialism

Tekijä: Bhaskar Sunkara

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1703162,231 (4)1
"Slim, accessible, inexpensive, irreverent introduction to socialism by the writers of Jacobin magazine The remarkable run of self-proclaimed "democratic socialist" Bernie Sanders for president of the United States has prompted--for the first time in decades and to the shock of many--a national conversation about socialism. A New York Times poll in late November found that a majority of Democrats had a favorable view of socialism, and in New Hampshire in February, more than half of Democratic voters under 35 told the Boston Globe they call themselves socialists. It's unclear exactly what socialism means to this generation, but couple with the ascendancy of longtime leftwinger Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the Labour Party in the UK, it's clear there's a historic, generational shift underway. This book steps into this moment to offer a clear, accessible, informative, and irreverent guide to socialism for the uninitiated. Written by young writers from the dynamic magazine Jacobin, alongside several distinguished scholars, The ABCs of Socialism answers basic questions, including ones that many want to know but might be afraid to ask ("Doesn't socialism always end up in dictatorship?", "Will socialists take my Kenny Loggins records?"). Disarming and pitched to a general readership without sacrificing intellectual depth, this will be the best introduction an idea whose time seems to have come again"--… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
The ABCs of Socialism is an introductory primer on the main ideas of Marxist socialism. Coming into this, I really only knew the bare minimum about socialism. It’s something I’m determined to know more about in 2021. This collection of essays was recommended online for dipping my toes into the concept, in a format more accessible than The Communist Manifesto or Capital right off the bat.

This primer is presented through essays prompted by common criticizing questions of the movement, such as, “But at least capitalism is free and democratic, right?”, “Don’t the rich deserve to keep most of their money?, or “Doesn’t socialism always end up in dictatorship?” Each essay is set up based off of questions such as these, and then refuted.

I found the setup intriguing especially because some of these questions were almost word-for-word critiques (propaganda?) that I was taught growing up about the “Red Menace” and how socialism/communism is doomed to fail.

With my newborn knowledge on the topic, The ABCs of Socialism does indeed seem like a good starting point - it has accessible language and was written recently, so the politics are more relatable to right now. (Though it was written before Trump was elected, so I’d be curious about a new edition.)

I had main two problems with the book – namely, a lot of the same concepts are repeated. The answers to some of the questions - though the questions appear very different - are much the same. Secondly, it feels almost too much for beginners. There were some topics that I wish the authors had delved a little deeper into. It felt like they were oversimplifying at times. It’s clear I need to do more reading and research.

Regardless, coming out of this book I feel already better versed in the topic - like I finally say “I’m interested in socialism”, or, “it seems like I’m meant to do more in life than work and spend my free time getting ready for work” - and articulate why exactly I feel that way. Not to mention I’m better prepared to contest my boomer relatives next time they tell me how evil universal healthcare is because communism.

Overall, from a beginner’s perspective, this seems to be a pretty good starting point for learning more about socialism.

3.5 Stars. ( )
  escapinginpaper | May 18, 2024 |
An engaging introduction to a storied subject, the hyperlinks to URLs included. Given that Barbara Tuchman has remarked that there was almost too much primary material on Socialism (in regard to her research for The Proud Tower), this primer is at once engaging and trenchant. It even delves into tax policy! Livestreamed by theorypleeb 2019-06-24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4DlBm_Yz-I&t=695s
  kencf0618 | Jan 15, 2018 |
If anything, I didn't think this was basic enough. The book should have started with a three or four page primer on what socialism _is_.

Lacking that, the book is well done. It purports to answer several pressing questions about socialism - 'Socialism sounds good in theory, but doesn't human nature make it impossible to realize?' - 'Will socialists take my Kenny Loggins records' - 'why do socialists talk so much about workers?'

I hope every Sanders supporter gets a copy and reads this. Forward! ( )
  kcshankd | May 23, 2016 |
näyttää 3/3
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
A little more than a century ago, Socialism might not have been a mass force in American politics, but it seemed destined to become one.
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

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"Slim, accessible, inexpensive, irreverent introduction to socialism by the writers of Jacobin magazine The remarkable run of self-proclaimed "democratic socialist" Bernie Sanders for president of the United States has prompted--for the first time in decades and to the shock of many--a national conversation about socialism. A New York Times poll in late November found that a majority of Democrats had a favorable view of socialism, and in New Hampshire in February, more than half of Democratic voters under 35 told the Boston Globe they call themselves socialists. It's unclear exactly what socialism means to this generation, but couple with the ascendancy of longtime leftwinger Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the Labour Party in the UK, it's clear there's a historic, generational shift underway. This book steps into this moment to offer a clear, accessible, informative, and irreverent guide to socialism for the uninitiated. Written by young writers from the dynamic magazine Jacobin, alongside several distinguished scholars, The ABCs of Socialism answers basic questions, including ones that many want to know but might be afraid to ask ("Doesn't socialism always end up in dictatorship?", "Will socialists take my Kenny Loggins records?"). Disarming and pitched to a general readership without sacrificing intellectual depth, this will be the best introduction an idea whose time seems to have come again"--

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