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Reviving Old Scratch: Demons and the Devil for Doubters and the Disenchanted

Tekijä: Richard Beck

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881309,270 (4)-
The devil has fallen on hard times. Surveys say that even the majority of Christians doubt Satan's existence. Burdened by doubts, skeptical believers find themselves divorced from Jesus' dramatic confrontation with Satan in the Gospels and from the struggle that galvanized the early church. In Reviving Old Scratch, popular blogger and theologian Richard Beck reintroduces the devil to the modern world with a biblical, bold, and urgent vision of spiritual warfare: we must resist the devil by joining the kingdom of God's subversive campaign to interrupt the world with love. Beck shows how conservative Christians too often overspiritualize the devil and demons, and progressive Christians reduce these forces to social justice issues. By understanding evil as a very real force in the world, we are better able to name it for what it is and thus to combat it as Jesus did. Beck's own work in a prison Bible study and at a church for recovering addicts convinced him to take Satan more seriously, and they provide compelling illustrations as he challenges the contemporary versions of evil forces. Because if Jesus took Satan seriously, then so should we.… (lisätietoja)

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A grappling with the forces of darkness in the heavenly places.

The author writes regarding his theological and faith development in terms of coming to grips with "Old Scratch," or Satan, and the presence of the forces of darkness. He self-identifies on the progressive end of the spectrum politically; he would also be considered the same among churches of Christ but not necessarily by the rest of "Christendom." In terms of his book, however, he attempts to stand in the middle: he wishes to encourage those on his "left" to recognize that there are profound spiritual forces of darkness behind the difficult issues of the day, challenging the premise of social justice for social justice's sake; he also seeks to encourage those on his "right" to cease having such a strong spiritual/secular divide regarding "spiritual warfare" and to see the social, political, and economic implications of the work of the forces of darkness.

His metaphor about "Scooby-Dooification" resonates: the attempt to "de-sacralize" everything, to attempt to put everything in rationally explicable categories, and how such proves lacking. He does well at discussing how difficult it is to work with people and yet how necessary it is, how we tend to look at evil as a problem to solve as opposed to a more Biblical concept of evil as a force to resist, how easy it is to become the "satan," or adversary, of what is good, how the Bible gives credence to seeing dark forces behind the socio-economic status quo and how said status quo is very happy to wrap its dark purposes in the flag to maintain its hegemony in the face of those who would live in the ways of Jesus.

As always there are various things said and commended which one might find disagreeable. Nevertheless, this is a good introduction to "spiritual warfare" and the theology of the Powers. ( )
  deusvitae | Jan 19, 2017 |
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The devil has fallen on hard times. Surveys say that even the majority of Christians doubt Satan's existence. Burdened by doubts, skeptical believers find themselves divorced from Jesus' dramatic confrontation with Satan in the Gospels and from the struggle that galvanized the early church. In Reviving Old Scratch, popular blogger and theologian Richard Beck reintroduces the devil to the modern world with a biblical, bold, and urgent vision of spiritual warfare: we must resist the devil by joining the kingdom of God's subversive campaign to interrupt the world with love. Beck shows how conservative Christians too often overspiritualize the devil and demons, and progressive Christians reduce these forces to social justice issues. By understanding evil as a very real force in the world, we are better able to name it for what it is and thus to combat it as Jesus did. Beck's own work in a prison Bible study and at a church for recovering addicts convinced him to take Satan more seriously, and they provide compelling illustrations as he challenges the contemporary versions of evil forces. Because if Jesus took Satan seriously, then so should we.

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