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The Bloodline

Tekijä: Lorhainne Eckhart

Sarjat: The Friessens (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
512,994,768 (4.5)-
From New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Lorhainne Eckhart comes THE BLOODLINE, a big family romance series that will rock your world. Andy Friessen has two guarantees in his life: 1. His wife Laura, and his children are safe from the control of his family. 2.A safety deposit box holds evidence that could blow his mother's world apart. But nothing is ever simple or easy, until one night tragedy strikes, yankingthe rug from under him. This time, secrets and lies could destroy the solid foundation he's built for his family. THE FRIESSENS The Reunion The Bloodline (Andy & Laura) The Promise (Jed & Diana) The Business Plan (Neil & Candy) The Decision (Brad & Emily) Can't get enough of the Friessens? Read all the series beginning with the Bestseller The Forgotten Child. Now translated in two languages. THE OUTSIDER SERIES: An Emotionally charged romance series beginning with the Bestseller, The Forgotten Child. THE FRIESSENS: A NEW BEGINNING: The return of The Friessen men and the women they love in this emotionally charged Family Saga which follows THE OUTSIDER SERIES.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatDebbyeC, Linda.Bass, Jullievg, LorhainneEckhart

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I freely chose to review this book as I love the Friessen's stories and book 2 was even better! Andy had moved his fast growing family states away so that his evil, and controlling mom couldn't touch them in addition to papers he kept safely in a box, to make sure she left them alone, but one day his estranged dad told him he needed to come home as his mom had died of a heart attack. He thought about how his mom had plotted to keep him and his wife a part and he didn't want to return to the hell he had ran from. I liked the way Andy loved his family and wanted to protect them by returning to his mom's estate and left them behind as he didn't know what he would find, and I was proud of Laura for stepping out of her comfort zone, putting on her big girl panties, and having Andy's back when she thought that he needed her. ( )
  Linda.Bass | Mar 14, 2017 |
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From New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Lorhainne Eckhart comes THE BLOODLINE, a big family romance series that will rock your world. Andy Friessen has two guarantees in his life: 1. His wife Laura, and his children are safe from the control of his family. 2.A safety deposit box holds evidence that could blow his mother's world apart. But nothing is ever simple or easy, until one night tragedy strikes, yankingthe rug from under him. This time, secrets and lies could destroy the solid foundation he's built for his family. THE FRIESSENS The Reunion The Bloodline (Andy & Laura) The Promise (Jed & Diana) The Business Plan (Neil & Candy) The Decision (Brad & Emily) Can't get enough of the Friessens? Read all the series beginning with the Bestseller The Forgotten Child. Now translated in two languages. THE OUTSIDER SERIES: An Emotionally charged romance series beginning with the Bestseller, The Forgotten Child. THE FRIESSENS: A NEW BEGINNING: The return of The Friessen men and the women they love in this emotionally charged Family Saga which follows THE OUTSIDER SERIES.

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Lorhainne Eckhart keskusteli verkossa LibraryThingin jäsenten kanssa Sep 14, 2009 - Sep 25, 2009. Lue keskustelu.

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5 1


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