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The Encyclopedia of Historic and Endangered Livestock and Poultry Breeds

Tekijä: Janet Vorwald Dohner

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351702,253 (5)-
The hardy, multipurpose Dominique chickens that came to the New World with the Pilgrims and later traveled in pioneer saddlebags to help settle the West were once too numerous to count; by 1990 a mere 500 hens survived. This is but a single example of the diminishing diversity of farm animals: half of once-common livestock breeds are endangered, others are already extinct. The need to preserve farm animal diversity is increasingly urgent, says the author of this definitive book on endangered breeds of livestock and poultry. Farmyard animals may hold critical keys for our survival, Jan Dohner warns, and with each extinction, genetic traits of potentially vital importance to our agricultural future or to medical progress are forever lost. This comprehensive book features: ́Ø complete information on the history, characteristics, qualities, and traits of 138 endangered livestock breeds (goats, sheep, swine, cattle, horses, other equines) and 53 poultry breeds (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese) ́Ø where these breeds may be seen today ́Ø the degree of rarity of each breed in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada ́Ø information on feral livestock populations ́Ø 160 color photographs and over 80 black and white photos and historical illustrations… (lisätietoja)

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This amazing work and Michael Ryder's Sheep and Man are the places I go first for overviews of sheep-breed history, a special interest of mine. Of course it doesn't cover all breeds; it would have been too heavy to lift and never would have been finished. The ones included have been wisely selected and carefully discussed. ( )
  robson663 | Jun 20, 2014 |
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The hardy, multipurpose Dominique chickens that came to the New World with the Pilgrims and later traveled in pioneer saddlebags to help settle the West were once too numerous to count; by 1990 a mere 500 hens survived. This is but a single example of the diminishing diversity of farm animals: half of once-common livestock breeds are endangered, others are already extinct. The need to preserve farm animal diversity is increasingly urgent, says the author of this definitive book on endangered breeds of livestock and poultry. Farmyard animals may hold critical keys for our survival, Jan Dohner warns, and with each extinction, genetic traits of potentially vital importance to our agricultural future or to medical progress are forever lost. This comprehensive book features: ́Ø complete information on the history, characteristics, qualities, and traits of 138 endangered livestock breeds (goats, sheep, swine, cattle, horses, other equines) and 53 poultry breeds (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese) ́Ø where these breeds may be seen today ́Ø the degree of rarity of each breed in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada ́Ø information on feral livestock populations ́Ø 160 color photographs and over 80 black and white photos and historical illustrations

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