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The Sword of Telemon (The Orfeo Saga) (Volume 1)

Tekijä: Murray Lee Eiland Jr.

Sarjat: The Orfeo Saga (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
324,152,783 (3.25)-
A young Achaean prince (from northern ancient Greece) is captured in a raid. His younger brother Orfeo, and a group of warriors are sent on a mission to look for him. Telemon, a legendary warrior, and Zurga, an elderly wanderer, are soon joined by Clarice, a girl who is a master of disguise. To their dismay they find that the kidnapped prince has been made a galley slave and that the maritime power of Thera plans to conquer the entire Mediterranean. Can they avert disaster? Dr Murray Eiland Jr is a retired psychiatrist and a scholar of Oriental Carpets. Although he has traveled extensively for his avocation, he now lives in California with his wife. His son is an archaeologist. They now all enjoy fictional worlds.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatjanerawoof, PardaMustang

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näyttää 2/2
Interesting, although clumsily written novel of Bronze Age Greece. Bildungsroman of Prince Orfeo who with stalwart friends searches for his elder brother, a galley slave in the evil empire of Thera, now called Santorini. The island is finally destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption. I was not immersed in the atmosphere of the story; why did the author use so many of today's non-Greek personal names? Why did the author give the gods Roman names, instead of Greek, e.g., Vulcan instead of Hephaistos? The sequels do not attract me; I'll skip them. ( )
  janerawoof | Apr 21, 2019 |
***This book was reviewed for the San Francisco Book Review****

Eiland's Sword of Telemon is the first in the four book Orfeo Saga. The story opens with Orfeo struggling to fit in upon returning to his family/tribe after having spent several years as a hostage in the city of Pylos. Shortly after the story opens, Orfeo’s brother Herron is taken as a slave by raiders.

Kiros, father of Orfeo and Herron, and King of the Achians (Achaeans), gathers the tribe at Delphi so that a plan of rescue may be formulated. In the end, Orfeo, the Wanderer known as Zurga, the hero Telemon (Telamon), and Telemon’s second, Orton, are despatched on a diplomatic mission to ransom Herron or buy him from the slavers. Along the way to Pylos, Orfeo begins lessons in swordplay with Telemon. Zurga, whose role as a Wanderer puts me in mind of the Druids, teaches Orfeo the wisdom of the Wanderers. Together, Zurga and Telemon polish Orfeo as a craftsman polishes and shapes a raw gem to reveal the brilliance hidden within.

Things don't go as planned with the retrieval, of course, and the group ends up tangling with a conquering people known as the Therans. Orfeo, accompanied by a young woman named Clarice, leaves the group to continue the search for the missing heir. Zurga, Telemon, Orton, and Nadahr, another Wanderer, recognise the danger the Therans pose, and remain behind to gather the various tribes together and begin arranging a defense against Theran incursion.

Orfeo and Clarice, traveling as entertainers, end up being invited to Thera by a man called Draik. Since they now believe Herron has been taken to Thera, they jump on the invitation and become contracted performers for Draik. For a while they are lulled into being at ease among the Therans, but that lasts only til things begin going south for the Therans in their war efforts. They seek scapegoats and turn on Draik, seeing his contributions to said war efforts as causing the failures. He is taken for treason, and the entertainer contracts he held are divvied up among the royals.

Orfeo and Clarice are nearly ready to abandon their search and flee Thera, when who does Clarice stumble upon, but Herron. Mission complete, they flee Thera just in time, as the volcanic island decides to blow a gasket. Even so, the ship they are fleeing on is destroyed in the ensuing tsunami. The story goes on to tell the fates of the major players, some rather surprising.

Fun stuff: I really enjoy historical novels that look at the events that may be the seeds to myth and legend, in this case, the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. The supernatural elements are weeded out, leaving behind a story more realistically plausible. This story also provided a unique and different take on Thera, known today as Santorini- one place believed to have been fabled Atlantis. Orfeo and Clarice weather the fury of one of the most deadly volcano eruptions of the time, one that fair wiped out a civilisation.

Not so fun stuff: The story started a bit too slow for me. The prose can be flowy, and at times dip to the purple. I do feel that there is much that could be condensed or chopped entirely. The story needs another good proofing. There were a scattering of grammar and spelling errors, along with some inconsistencies. Two that really stick out in my mind are a description of Orfeo waking with his left hand clasping his left arm (O_O), and referencing both Zeus and Mars in regards to the same character. If they are Greeks, it would Ares instead of Mars. I have the same qualm about the use of Vulcan instead of Hephaestus. I also had a disagreement with some of the variant spellings (Achian/Achaean, Telemon/Telamon, Orfeo/Orpheus).

However, all that being said, Eiland’s Sword of Telemon, is a delightful sojourn to an ancient time. I loved it so much that I just bought the complete four book set. If you enjoy historical fiction, or Greek history and mythology, this book is sure to please. Come, walk with Orfeo as he finds himself and comes into his own, as a warrior, as a scholar, as a man of the Achaeans and a man apart from the Achaeans. This is a brilliant rendering of a classic myth, and a coming of age story easy to relate to, especially if you're a little on the eccentric side, like me! Orfeo must learn where he truly fits in given the vastly different experiences he’s had and doesn't always find it an easy thing to do. ( )
  PardaMustang | May 14, 2016 |
näyttää 2/2
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A young Achaean prince (from northern ancient Greece) is captured in a raid. His younger brother Orfeo, and a group of warriors are sent on a mission to look for him. Telemon, a legendary warrior, and Zurga, an elderly wanderer, are soon joined by Clarice, a girl who is a master of disguise. To their dismay they find that the kidnapped prince has been made a galley slave and that the maritime power of Thera plans to conquer the entire Mediterranean. Can they avert disaster? Dr Murray Eiland Jr is a retired psychiatrist and a scholar of Oriental Carpets. Although he has traveled extensively for his avocation, he now lives in California with his wife. His son is an archaeologist. They now all enjoy fictional worlds.

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