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892306,093 (3.31)-
When children carrying musical instruments begin to follow Piper around everywhere she goes, arriving uninvited at Halliwell Manor, the Charmed Ones must risk everything to save the innocent youngsters from an unknown evil. Original.

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näyttää 2/2
This was more of a 'light reading' for me, and it didn't disappoint. It kinda reminded me of the times when I read the Mary-Kate & Ashley Mystery books. This book will be a little hard to review without spoilers though; but I'll try my best, because I want it to sound suspenseful without giving too much of it away. ;)

The first half of the book was fairly normal. It made me miss the TV series, though. It was one of my favourite shows. =/ (That and I have been interested in witchcraft since middle school.)
What I really mean by 'light reading' was that the book had no bombastic or difficult-to-read words; nothing a regular reader wouldn't understand, and even non-fans of the shows would understand what the story was about without loopholes in it.

From the off, I already had my suspicions on who the 'demon' was. And at the end, I was proved right. But I DID have a moment of pleasant surprise and shock at a little revelation at the end after the demon was vanquished. I never saw that coming. ;p Maybe it was because I was never one to spot connections straightaway, but yeah. =p

Also, I found that this demon was vanquished too easily. I wouldn't say that the pieces fell together too fast, because I wouldn't like it if they dragged the drama either.

I tried searching for this episode on YouTube, but couldn't find it. If anyone knows where I can find it, that would be great! ^^ ( )
  KrystleLow | Oct 27, 2016 |
The Charmed Ones are back and strange things are afoot. Piper and Leo seem to spend all of their time arguing about whether to have children or not. Leo really wants children but Piper isn't sure. Out of the blue children are drawn to Piper and keep following her home. She has dozens of the little rug rats running loose in Halliwell Manor and no matter how many times she takes them home, the next day they keep reappearing.

Paige has taken to going to the Symphony and has been struck by one of the fulte players. His music seems to really touch her and it's like she's under some kind of spell. She keeps going back night after night and can't think of anything besides him and his music. Phoebe is getting messages from a mysteriours caller, but when she arranges to meet him she finds him stabbed and dying in the parking lot. One thing that does seem to connect the children and the adults is music, but what exactly is that connection?

Some of the Charmed books are not great, but this one was a lot of fun. Even though the ending was pretty obvious, I was wondering all the way through how it would all tie together. It was cleverly written with all the elements that made Charmed great. Fashion, demons, magic and a fairy tale plot. ( )
  Rhinoa | Jan 24, 2010 |
näyttää 2/2
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

When children carrying musical instruments begin to follow Piper around everywhere she goes, arriving uninvited at Halliwell Manor, the Charmed Ones must risk everything to save the innocent youngsters from an unknown evil. Original.

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