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Come to the Garden: A Novel

Tekijä: Jennifer Wilder Morgan

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1411,455,180 (4)-
"A novel based on true experiences, Come to the Garden is a story about a woman's journey with a mysterious angel that encourages readers to believe heaven is closer than they think. Years ago, author Jennifer Wilder Morgan served as a hospital volunteer, visiting critically ill patients--praying with them and listening to their stories. As she created a safe space for those of all faiths and backgrounds, patients began confiding in Morgan about the mysterious ways God speaks to them--from encounters with angels to reassurances from loved ones who've passed on. She witnessed the profound healing that occurs when people are permitted to talk about these experiences, and as a result, Morgan was inspired to share her own personal encounters with God in a novel. In Come to the Garden, the main character Jenn wakes up on her birthday to find an angel introducing herself as Margaret in the backyard garden. Lately Jenn has been struggling to make sense of the mysterious ways God has been speaking to her and is trying to understand what he wants her to know. The angel takes Jenn back through her memories and life experiences, revealing how God has been connecting with her all along. Under the angel's guidance, Jenn finally understands the messages God has been speaking to her, in her dreams, divine promptings, and unexplained coincidences. It becomes clear that God is a faithful and persistent pursuer of the human heart. Framed as a series of conversations between Jenn and her guardian angel, this unconventional and charming narrative will strike deep into the hearts of anyone seeking a greater understanding of God. Based firmly in scripture, Come to the Garden is an inspirational fictional story about the surprising ways God works in our lives and affirms that heaven is truly closer than we think"--… (lisätietoja)

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Title: Come to the Garden
Author: Jennifer Wilder Morgan
Pages: 240
Year: 2016
Publisher: Howard
My rating is 4 stars.
Come to the Garden is an allegory based on the author’s personal experiences in her walk with Lord from childhood to adulthood. The story reflects how she has felt through various seasons of her life whether they were times of joy or sorrow. In the novel, the author tells of she felt God revealed Himself to her, spoke to her and walked with her through life.
As a reader, I would have preferred a more direct approach from the author such as stating what the life experience was and then sharing what she learned. I think the author felt safer in beginning her ministry by sharing about herself through a story after she had experienced giving talks about her gifts. There is neither mention nor scene that shows angel worship at all and for that I am glad. In fact, the author writes in a way that shows her heart being focused on the Lord.
Come to the Garden is in some places for me somewhat unbelievable or shallow. I read the story in one afternoon; it doesn’t take a lot of time. The author is passionate about studying the Bible and writes studies for groups. There were a few places where I am not in agreement with the author’s apparent doctrinal understanding on a theme represented in the work of fiction. Sometimes the author wasn’t clear on exactly what lesson the Lord wanted her to hear, but overall it was a good afternoon read.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” ( )
  lamb521 | Feb 23, 2016 |
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"A novel based on true experiences, Come to the Garden is a story about a woman's journey with a mysterious angel that encourages readers to believe heaven is closer than they think. Years ago, author Jennifer Wilder Morgan served as a hospital volunteer, visiting critically ill patients--praying with them and listening to their stories. As she created a safe space for those of all faiths and backgrounds, patients began confiding in Morgan about the mysterious ways God speaks to them--from encounters with angels to reassurances from loved ones who've passed on. She witnessed the profound healing that occurs when people are permitted to talk about these experiences, and as a result, Morgan was inspired to share her own personal encounters with God in a novel. In Come to the Garden, the main character Jenn wakes up on her birthday to find an angel introducing herself as Margaret in the backyard garden. Lately Jenn has been struggling to make sense of the mysterious ways God has been speaking to her and is trying to understand what he wants her to know. The angel takes Jenn back through her memories and life experiences, revealing how God has been connecting with her all along. Under the angel's guidance, Jenn finally understands the messages God has been speaking to her, in her dreams, divine promptings, and unexplained coincidences. It becomes clear that God is a faithful and persistent pursuer of the human heart. Framed as a series of conversations between Jenn and her guardian angel, this unconventional and charming narrative will strike deep into the hearts of anyone seeking a greater understanding of God. Based firmly in scripture, Come to the Garden is an inspirational fictional story about the surprising ways God works in our lives and affirms that heaven is truly closer than we think"--

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