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Dirty Ride

Tekijä: Chantal Fernando

Sarjat: Wind Dragons MC (3.5)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2241,024,851 (3.75)-
From USA TODAY bestselling author Chantal Fernando comes a brand new Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club e-novella, full of sexy bad-boy bikers, strong heroines, and steamy romance!Even by Wind Dragon Motorcycle Club standards, Irish was always a bit of a dark horse. Not one to confide his secrets, such as where he got that mysterious scar across his neck, he's quick with his fists and even quicker to jump to the defense of his MC. But is he nimble enough to handle the woman he never saw coming? Or will she leave him with a matching scar across his heart? Featuring scorching hot chemistry and plenty of sass, Dirty Ride is sure to rev your engine and get you immediately hooked!… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Irish and Valentina.
Valentine, or Tina as she is called is on the run from her abusive ex.
Irish is amazing in this book.
He is all about Tina, there are no references or scenes of other women.
It's a short story but feels complete.
Secondary characters from the previous books in series.
No intimate scenes with anyone other than the Hero and heroine. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
This review was originally posted on Bookish Things & MoreQuickie Review
This is the first book I read in this series, and I'll definitely be going back to read the rest of them.

I've read a few MC books, and this is definitely one that I'll be adding to the ranks. I loved the intensity between Valentina and Arden. It's like things line up for them. I did question how she could go from the situation she was in to seeing where things go with Arden, but it's a novella, and I knew it needed to happen fast.

The steamy scenes are hot, and I love alpha males. But I like it even more when the girls make their wants known. The romance is fun, intense, and full of surprises. And I love the friendships that Valentina makes. She definitely needs some pals she can rely on.

Overall, it was a good novella, and I need to go back to read the first books in this series so I can meet the other members of the Wind Dragons MC Club.

( )
  BookishThings | Mar 23, 2016 |
It's time for Irish and his long awaited story.
The story start as he meets a mouthy redhead and is immediately taken by her. Valentina, or Tina has had it hard for the last few years. When she finally finds the strength to leave it all behind, she makes a determined effort to live her life for herself and no one else, to be free, and to never be afraid again.
By chance, she meets Irish in Knox Tavern, and he turns out to be Tina's knight in shining armour.
This was a great ride. Irish is a smooth talker and has a sly grin to go with it, but he has a tough side too, you don't want to mess with him. Tina was a tough gal also, she'd had her fair share of trouble in her life and wasn't going back there again, thank you! What a gal!
I love the Wind Dragons, and I loved this story. 5/5. ( )
  JulieD2 | Jan 25, 2016 |
I have really enjoyed this series so far and even though Irish has been a character mostly in the background so far I was still eager to read this novella. Right from the start of the novella I knew that I loved Irish. He is a perfect alpha. I wasn't as sold on Tina though. I think both of them could have stood to have been fleshed out more (as the plot could have been too). I understand that this is a novella and as such it will be short but the story definitely suffered because of it. I wanted to read more about both of Irish and Tina's pasts and would have liked the conflict to have been more developed. I also didn't like that there weren't that many appearances of other characters that I love from this series.

I am really excited to read the next book in this series, which follows Rake, as it looks like it is going to be really good.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the galley. ( )
  dpappas | Jan 19, 2016 |
näyttää 4/4
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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From USA TODAY bestselling author Chantal Fernando comes a brand new Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club e-novella, full of sexy bad-boy bikers, strong heroines, and steamy romance!Even by Wind Dragon Motorcycle Club standards, Irish was always a bit of a dark horse. Not one to confide his secrets, such as where he got that mysterious scar across his neck, he's quick with his fists and even quicker to jump to the defense of his MC. But is he nimble enough to handle the woman he never saw coming? Or will she leave him with a matching scar across his heart? Featuring scorching hot chemistry and plenty of sass, Dirty Ride is sure to rev your engine and get you immediately hooked!

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