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No Ordinary Sound: A Classic Featuring Melody (Beforever: Melody Classic)

Tekijä: Denise Lewis Patrick

Sarjat: American Girls: Melody (Beforever Classic 1), American Girls (Melody Beforever Classic 1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1401197,254 (3.8)-
"Melody is an optimistic, enthusiastic girl growing up in Detroit, Michigan during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. She is excited and proud to share a special surprise with her family. She's been chosen to sing a solo for Youth Day at her church! But what song will she choose? She gets advice from her big brother, and is also inspired by her older sister, but it's the inspirational words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that help her pick the perfect song. There are many unfair things happening during Melody's time, even to people in her own family. But it's an unimaginable tragedy in the South that leaves Melody silent. Who can help her lift her voice and sing? Who will inspire her to keep stepping?"--Amazon.com.… (lisätietoja)

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I really liked this- while Melody also has a loving family and happy life like Maryellen, there's realistic historical strife, like facing discrimination in a department store or being shocked to her core by the bombing of a church in Birmingham. A grounded and necessary addition to the American Girl historical canon (though, as mentioned on twitter, I do think it's limiting to confine Black historical characters to civil war slavery and the civil rights movement- BIPOC have existed in all eras and it's not like they pop out of the ground for those two topics specifically?)

But yeah- as a non-black person of color who grew up in a predominantly white environment, I didn't learn about Lift Every Voice and Sing as the "Black national anthem" until the Beychella performance in 2018, so I'm happy to see its inclusion here. Advisory board, and an #ownvoices author were good decisions here, which really makes me question why Kirby Larson was picked for authoring the Nanea books (sure, she writes about WWII dogs but like... eeeeh). ( )
  Daumari | Dec 28, 2023 |
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Kuuluu näihin sarjoihin

American Girls (Melody Beforever Classic 1)
American Girls: Melody (Beforever Classic 1)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

"Melody is an optimistic, enthusiastic girl growing up in Detroit, Michigan during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. She is excited and proud to share a special surprise with her family. She's been chosen to sing a solo for Youth Day at her church! But what song will she choose? She gets advice from her big brother, and is also inspired by her older sister, but it's the inspirational words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that help her pick the perfect song. There are many unfair things happening during Melody's time, even to people in her own family. But it's an unimaginable tragedy in the South that leaves Melody silent. Who can help her lift her voice and sing? Who will inspire her to keep stepping?"--Amazon.com.

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