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Becoming Grandma: The Joys and Science of the New Grandparenting

Tekijä: Lesley Stahl

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
964284,873 (3.73)1
After four decades as a reporter, Lesley Stahl says the most vivid and transforming experience of her life was not covering the White House, interviewing heads of state, or any other of her stories at 60 Minutes. It was becoming a grandmother. She was hit with a jolt of joy so intense and unexpected, she wanted to "investigate" it -- as though it was a news flash! And so, using her 60 Minutes skills, she explores how grandmothering changes a woman's life, interviewing her friends like Whoopi Goldberg, her colleagues like Diane Sawyer, and the proverbial woman next door. On top of these personal accounts, she interviews scientists and doctors about physiological changes in women when they have grandchildren, anthropologists about why there are grandmothers in evolutionary terms, and psychiatrists about the therapeutic effects of grandchildren on both grandmothers and grandfathers. All through the book, Stahl shares her stories about her own life now with two granddaughters, Jordan and Chloe, how her relationship with her daughter Taylor has changed, and how being a grandfather has affected her husband, Aaron. In an era when Baby Boomers are becoming grandparents in droves, when young parents need all the help they can get raising their children -- and with a grandmother in the running to be our next U.S. President -- Stahl's book is a timely and affecting read that redefines a cherished relationship.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Finally got around to reading Lesley Stahl’s memoir, except it isn’t exactly a memoir. Stahl was so “starstruck” when she became a grandmother, she decided to explore what being a grandmother means. She’s interviewed such people as Whoopi Goldberg and Diane Sawyer. Along the way, Stahl shares some personal stories. You don’t have to be a grandmother to enjoy it. ( )
  brangwinn | Apr 5, 2020 |
. Lesley Stahl explores how grandmothering changes a woman’s life. She tells us that the most vivid transforming experience of her life was not covering the White House, interviewing heads of state, or any other of her stories on 60 Minutes. It was the unexpected “jolt and joy” of becoming a grandmother. Lesley explores this phenomenon with friends and colleagues like Whoopi Goldberg, Diane Sawyer, and even grandfathers including Tom Brokaw using a good mix of science, journalistic exploration and personal experiences. In a Publisher’s Weekly starred review it was written that “No matter where readers fall in age or experience, this book should top their 2016 reading list of parenting titles.” This energetic, informative, and often touching memoir will bring tears and laughter to all readers. She hits it right on the nose!
  HandelmanLibraryTINR | Nov 12, 2017 |
Well, this book was a no-brainer for me as I am in the throes of grandmotherhood. I found the author's research interesting and her anecdotes familiar. If there is a criticism it is that most of the other grans she interviewed were her social and economic peers. This skews the experiences they shared in a number of ways. She did discuss the role of grandparenting in poor communities based on some of her past reporting, but did not get too close to a more average middle class experience. ( )
  beebeereads | Dec 20, 2016 |
When she became a grandmother, Lesley Stahl was hit with a jolt of joy so intense and unexpected, she wanted to investigate it - as though it were a news flash. And so, using her 60 Minutes skills, she explored how grandmothering changes a woman's life, interviewing friends like Whoopi Goldberg, colleagues like Diane Sawyer (and grandfathers, including Tom Brokaw), as well as the proverbial woman next door. Along with these personal accounts, Stahl speaks with scientists and doctors about physiological changes that occur in women when they have grandchildren; anthropologists about why there are grandmothers, in evolutionary terms; and psychiatrists about the therapeutic effects of grandchildren on both grandmothers and grandfathers. ( )
  jepeters333 | Jun 8, 2016 |
näyttää 4/4
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After four decades as a reporter, Lesley Stahl says the most vivid and transforming experience of her life was not covering the White House, interviewing heads of state, or any other of her stories at 60 Minutes. It was becoming a grandmother. She was hit with a jolt of joy so intense and unexpected, she wanted to "investigate" it -- as though it was a news flash! And so, using her 60 Minutes skills, she explores how grandmothering changes a woman's life, interviewing her friends like Whoopi Goldberg, her colleagues like Diane Sawyer, and the proverbial woman next door. On top of these personal accounts, she interviews scientists and doctors about physiological changes in women when they have grandchildren, anthropologists about why there are grandmothers in evolutionary terms, and psychiatrists about the therapeutic effects of grandchildren on both grandmothers and grandfathers. All through the book, Stahl shares her stories about her own life now with two granddaughters, Jordan and Chloe, how her relationship with her daughter Taylor has changed, and how being a grandfather has affected her husband, Aaron. In an era when Baby Boomers are becoming grandparents in droves, when young parents need all the help they can get raising their children -- and with a grandmother in the running to be our next U.S. President -- Stahl's book is a timely and affecting read that redefines a cherished relationship.

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