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The Ghost of Normandy Road (Haunted Minds #1)

Tekijä: John Hennessy

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242958,776 (5)9
Three Legends. One True Horror. An old house stands on Normandy Road, uncared for and uninhabited for years, until one day, believing an urban legend that no-one dares to live there, a young boy decides to cross its threshold. Yet the house is far from empty - within its walls, a terrible evil has been disturbed. It will take one brave soul three of the longest nights of his life to unlock its secrets, but will he live to tell the tale? *** Although told as a work of fiction, this tale really is based on a true story. Part of the Haunted Minds series of books. A supernatural ghost thriller from the creator of the Dark Winter Trilogy and A Tale of Vampires SeriesEditorial Review'The Ghost of Normandy Road should be an award-winning novel because it is well written and riveting. I highly recommend it for adults, as well as young adults. It is the perfect book for anyone who likes scary stories.' - Kristen Van Kampen for Readers' Favourite… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Wonderful fodder for the "Ghost Story Junkie". This is the first book I have read by this author, but I was very impressed with his style of telling the tale. He writes about the paranormal with a style that I have never encountered before. You will BE with Danny in that haunted mansion, becoming an "observer" of the events that occurred in the house. The reader can do nothing less than enjoy this ride. The journey is made even more intriguing after learning what Danny recalls as a ten-year-old boy. Of course, everything is magnified and becomes more exciting to his young and impressionable mind, but it doesn't mean that it didn't happen, exactly the way he recalls it. I found it was difficult, if not entirely impossible, to stop reading. There are so many twists in this 162 page story, and just when you think you know the answer...you can start thinking all over again. The ending is truly explosive and unexpected. It's tagged as YA but "ghost story junkies" everywhere, of any age will find it irresistible. ( )
  Carol420 | Jun 23, 2022 |
TALK ABOUT SCARY! I don't often get scared, but how can I not feel for ten year old Danny as I kept pace with his horror. I felt sorry when his girlfriend, Rebecca had disappeared and once he saw the ghost slit a boy's throat who had taken her tooth. How could he protect her when he couldn't protect her tooth? This novel is PERFECT for Halloween and I must read book two! ( )
  HOTCHA | May 12, 2018 |
näyttää 2/2
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Three Legends. One True Horror. An old house stands on Normandy Road, uncared for and uninhabited for years, until one day, believing an urban legend that no-one dares to live there, a young boy decides to cross its threshold. Yet the house is far from empty - within its walls, a terrible evil has been disturbed. It will take one brave soul three of the longest nights of his life to unlock its secrets, but will he live to tell the tale? *** Although told as a work of fiction, this tale really is based on a true story. Part of the Haunted Minds series of books. A supernatural ghost thriller from the creator of the Dark Winter Trilogy and A Tale of Vampires SeriesEditorial Review'The Ghost of Normandy Road should be an award-winning novel because it is well written and riveting. I highly recommend it for adults, as well as young adults. It is the perfect book for anyone who likes scary stories.' - Kristen Van Kampen for Readers' Favourite

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