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The Wheel of Time Books 4-6

Tekijä: Robert Jordan

Sarjat: Ajan pyörä (Omnibus 04-06)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
378168,204 (4.11)-
This boxed Set contains Mass Market Paperback editions ofThe Shadow Rising, The Fires of Heaven,andLord of Chaos,books four through six of Robert Jordan's bestselling The Wheel of Time series. Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time is a story that takes place both in our past and our future. In his fantasy world, the Dark One, the embodiment of pure evil, is breaking free from his prison. The overall plot is about a man who learns that he is the reincarnation of the world's messiah and is once again destined to save the world from the Dark One -- but possibly destroy it in the process. This saga is not only his story, but the story of an entire world's struggle to deal with war and change, destruction and hope.… (lisätietoja)

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A great sequel. The support characters really begin to be the stars of their own.
Part of the Divine 3 of this series ( )
  redderik | Jan 31, 2007 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Ajan pyörä (Omnibus 04-06)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


This boxed Set contains Mass Market Paperback editions ofThe Shadow Rising, The Fires of Heaven,andLord of Chaos,books four through six of Robert Jordan's bestselling The Wheel of Time series. Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time is a story that takes place both in our past and our future. In his fantasy world, the Dark One, the embodiment of pure evil, is breaking free from his prison. The overall plot is about a man who learns that he is the reincarnation of the world's messiah and is once again destined to save the world from the Dark One -- but possibly destroy it in the process. This saga is not only his story, but the story of an entire world's struggle to deal with war and change, destruction and hope.

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Arvio (tähdet)

Keskiarvo: (4.11)
2 2
2.5 1
3 9
3.5 1
4 22
4.5 3
5 20

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