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The Girl from Berlin: Standartenführer's Wife

Tekijä: Ellie Midwood

Muut tekijät: Melody Simmons (Kuvittaja)

Sarjat: The Girl from Berlin (1)

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842,179,371 (5)-
This is a story of Annalise Meissner, a young German Jew with long time ago falsified papers, living a carefree life in pre-war Berlin. A talented ballerina, she comes from a wealthy family and at first doesn't want to concern herself with the changes her country starts undergoing under the new Nazi regime. However, when the oppressions against the Jewish population begin, she realizes that she can't be a silent bystander and swears to help her people in any way possible. She falls in love and gets married to her father's longtime friend, Standartenführer Heinrich Friedmann, who even though he works for SD - the Reich Secret Service - seems to share her views, and soon Annalise learns why. Her new husband turns out to be a counterintelligence agent working for the US government, and together they start a dangerous game against the sinister Gestapo, trying to save as many lives as they can and not to compromise themselves. But it's not only the persecuted people Annalise wants to save; she meets the leader of the Austrian SS Gruppenführer Ernst Kaltenbrunner who everyone seems to fear, but for some reason Annalise isn't intimidated by the Chief of the Austrian Gestapo and doesn't believe the rumors about his brutality. Gruppenführer Kaltenbrunner isn't hiding the fact that he would love to get this beautiful girl as his mistress, but Annalise, despite the mutual attraction, stays faithful to her beloved husband. However, the risky game she's playing will soon change everything...… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatIreadwhatuwrite, BananaSquirrel, CAKing, Luccav

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Historical fiction is always a ticket to a great read. WWII Germany is always a spectacular setting. Between Nazis, the German Underground, Jewish ghettos and all the intelligence intrigue, there are so many great stories to tell. Even with all the possibilities, it is always a treat to find a particularly well told story from a unique perspective.

The book is about a young woman coming of age in Germany at the leading edge of World War 2. Beautiful, blond, athletic and from a well connected family, she is everything that the growing Nazi Party looks for in a German girl and she has the attention of some the leading members of the SS.

This story takes us from the affluent neighborhoods of Berlin through the offices of high ranking SS officers to Occupied France and Poland, even the horrors of Dachau and Auschwitz. Not told through the eyes of the usual suspects, but through the eyes of a young woman with everything to lose. On the surface she has everything a girl could want, a close family, a dream job and a loving man. She also has as secret that could cost her her life and can and does endanger those closest to her. She rises to the situation that life has handed her with an inner strength that few people could emulate.

I truly enjoyed reading this book and am very much looking forward to reading the next in the series. I was so completely drawn into this story that by the end of the prologue I was reading it in a German accent (I am sure three years of high school German had a bit to to do with that as well). I was not happy to reach the final page. The story couldn’t be over, I still had so much reading to do.

I recommend this book to everyone age 14 and older. There are some adult themes and violence. The subject matter is handled sensitively, however the realities of the subject are what they are. Younger or sensitive readers should be prepared.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for for a fair and honest review. ( )
  Ireadwhatuwrite | Jun 23, 2022 |
Book Review: The Girl from Berlin: Gruppenfuhrer's Mistress by Ellie Midwood
Having previously read another novel written by midwood, I couldn't help but pick up this one. I must, however, put the same warnings on it for potential readers.

Warning mature subject matter. This book contains scenes of violence, torture, rape, explicit language and hate crimes.

The writing style is true to Midwood's works. It is written in American English depicting individual who are mainly German. For me this works. The story flows nicely and was captivating from beginning to end.

Annalise is a spoiled young girl that at times I'd like to slap. Even so, her story is compelling as we follow her life from a happy childhood to an adult living under the Hitler regime.

While normally I am all for cliffhangers at the end of a book, I found this novel different mainly because of the beginning.

We start out with a snip from the end of the saga with Standartenführer Heinrich Friedmann visiting Austrian SS Gruppenführer Ernst Kaltenbrunner in prison after the war is over. The story then turns back to before the atrocities began. Leaving a cliffhanger at the end leaves a hole between the two events and an unsatisfying feeling.

I admit this is an excellent way to make some readers continue on in the series, but I believe it could alienate some as well.

I definitely want to know what happens next and will be reading more. Midwood is directly responsible for my new found love of historical fiction.

4.5/5 Stars ( )
  CAKing | Oct 30, 2020 |
Historical fiction is always a ticket to a great read. WWII Germany is always a spectacular setting. Between Nazis, the German Underground, Jewish ghettos and all the intelligence intrigue, there are so many great stories to tell. Even with all the possibilities, it is always a treat to find a particularly well told story from a unique perspective.

The book is about a young woman coming of age in Germany at the leading edge of World War 2. Beautiful, blond, athletic and from a well connected family, she is everything that the growing Nazi Party looks for in a German girl and she has the attention of some the leading members of the SS.

This story takes us from the affluent neighborhoods of Berlin through the offices of high ranking SS officers to Occupied France and Poland, even the horrors of Dachau and Auschwitz. Not told through the eyes of the usual suspects, but through the eyes of a young woman with everything to lose. On the surface she has everything a girl could want, a close family, a dream job and a loving man. She also has as secret that could cost her her life and can and does endanger those closest to her. She rises to the situation that life has handed her with an inner strength that few people could emulate.

I truly enjoyed reading this book and am very much looking forward to reading the next in the series. I was so completely drawn into this story that by the end of the prologue I was reading it in a German accent (I am sure three years of high school German had a bit to to do with that as well). I was not happy to reach the final page. The story couldn’t be over, I still had so much reading to do.

I recommend this book to everyone age 14 and older. There are some adult themes and violence. The subject matter is handled sensitively, however the realities of the subject are what they are. Younger or sensitive readers should be prepared.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for for a fair and honest review. ( )
  Ireadwhatuwrite | Mar 23, 2016 |
The story is from the point of view of a young German, Annalise Meissner, who is Jewish. She comes from a well to do family and is a talented ballerina with the possibility of becoming prima ballerina. As she growing up, Germany’s political agenda changes under the new vice chancellor, Adolf Hitler. She falls in love with a German officer who works for the SD—the Reich Secret Service—they marry and she learns he is a counterintelligence spy working for the US. She joins him and together they work against the Nazi regime and try to save as many Jewish lives.

The author has written a fascinating story and on a subject that still resonates today. And given the current turmoil the world is in against radicals, this book has even more meaning. What I enjoyed was the POV, an insight into Germany at the time, and from the various people that Hitler’s obsession affected and infected. It is well written and well researched, and the scene where Annalise goes to Auschwitz is powerful.

I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. I highly recommend reading this book. ( )
  Luccav | Dec 5, 2015 |
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Ellie Midwoodensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Simmons, MelodyKuvittajamuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu

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This is a story of Annalise Meissner, a young German Jew with long time ago falsified papers, living a carefree life in pre-war Berlin. A talented ballerina, she comes from a wealthy family and at first doesn't want to concern herself with the changes her country starts undergoing under the new Nazi regime. However, when the oppressions against the Jewish population begin, she realizes that she can't be a silent bystander and swears to help her people in any way possible. She falls in love and gets married to her father's longtime friend, Standartenführer Heinrich Friedmann, who even though he works for SD - the Reich Secret Service - seems to share her views, and soon Annalise learns why. Her new husband turns out to be a counterintelligence agent working for the US government, and together they start a dangerous game against the sinister Gestapo, trying to save as many lives as they can and not to compromise themselves. But it's not only the persecuted people Annalise wants to save; she meets the leader of the Austrian SS Gruppenführer Ernst Kaltenbrunner who everyone seems to fear, but for some reason Annalise isn't intimidated by the Chief of the Austrian Gestapo and doesn't believe the rumors about his brutality. Gruppenführer Kaltenbrunner isn't hiding the fact that he would love to get this beautiful girl as his mistress, but Annalise, despite the mutual attraction, stays faithful to her beloved husband. However, the risky game she's playing will soon change everything...

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