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The 10 Bushcraft Books

Tekijä: Richard H Graves

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2011,106,904 (4.33)1
NOT abridged! This is the complete book. The original and the Best! "The 10 Bushcraft Books" is, as the title suggests, literally all ten of Richard Graves' "Bushcraft Handbooks" bound together as a convenient single volume, perfect for slipping into your rucksack. A true classic of the genre and out of print for more than forty years, "The 10 Bushcraft Books" is back! This edition is a perfect replica of the First Edition, with the same size, formatting, layout, page count and illustrations, but in a softcover format. Unlike the poorly-OCR'd, abridged, censored and dumbed down modern US market reprint edition titled "Bushcraft : The Ultimate Guide to Survival in the Wilderness", this edition of Graves' "The 10 Bushcraft Books" is the REAL DEAL, presented exactly as the author intended, with no deletions or omissions. It is the ONLY COMPLETE volume of Richard Graves' work available today. Remember: If it doesn't have the orange and black cover, it's incomplete and dumbed down. Don't waste your money buying anything else. The term "Bushcraft" describes the activity of how to make use of natural materials found locally in any area. It includes many primitive skills, and to these are added modern skills necessary for survival such as time and direction and the provision of more modern camp comforts and equipment. The practice of bushcraft develops in an individual a remarkable ability to adapt quickly to a changing environment. Because this is so, the activity is a valuable counter to today's specialisation, and it is particularly significant in youth training work. The author of "The 10 Bushcraft Books", Richard Graves, is a member of the Irish literary family of that name. He is also the author of: "Bushcraft: How to live in Jungle and Bush" "Survival Hints", a pamphlet which was included in all Allied jungle survival kits in the Pacific during WWII The Bushcraft Handbook "Ropes and Cords" The Bushcraft Handbook "Huts and Thatching" The Bushcraft Handbook "Bush Campcraft" The Bushcraft Handbook "Food and Water" The Bushcraft Handbook "Fire Making" The Bushcraft Handbook "Knots and Lashings" The Bushcraft Handbook "Traps and Tracking" The Bushcraft Handbook "Snares and Traps" The Bushcraft Handbook "Travel and Gear" The Bushcraft Handbook "Time and Direction" ...all authoritative works on bushcraft and the art of bush and jungle survival. An enthusiastic bushwalker, skier and pioneer of white-water canoeing, Richard Graves foresaw how a knowledge of bushcraft could save lives in the Second World War. To achieve this end, he initiated and led the Australian Jungle Rescue Detachment, assigned to the American Far East Air Force. This detachment of 60 specially selected A.I.F. soldiers successfully effected more than 300 rescue missions, most of which were in enemy-held territory, without failure of a mission or loss of a man. An essential preliminary for rescue is survival, and it was for this purpose that the notes for these books were written. These notes were later revised and prepared for a School in Bushcraft which was conducted for nearly 20 years. As far as is known, "The 10 Bushcraft Books" are unique. There is nothing quite like them, nor is any collection of bushcraft knowledge under one cover as comprehensive.… (lisätietoja)

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This is a must have book or set of 10 littler booklets. Rock solid info and a great read. ( )
  hellhound | Jun 27, 2008 |
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NOT abridged! This is the complete book. The original and the Best! "The 10 Bushcraft Books" is, as the title suggests, literally all ten of Richard Graves' "Bushcraft Handbooks" bound together as a convenient single volume, perfect for slipping into your rucksack. A true classic of the genre and out of print for more than forty years, "The 10 Bushcraft Books" is back! This edition is a perfect replica of the First Edition, with the same size, formatting, layout, page count and illustrations, but in a softcover format. Unlike the poorly-OCR'd, abridged, censored and dumbed down modern US market reprint edition titled "Bushcraft : The Ultimate Guide to Survival in the Wilderness", this edition of Graves' "The 10 Bushcraft Books" is the REAL DEAL, presented exactly as the author intended, with no deletions or omissions. It is the ONLY COMPLETE volume of Richard Graves' work available today. Remember: If it doesn't have the orange and black cover, it's incomplete and dumbed down. Don't waste your money buying anything else. The term "Bushcraft" describes the activity of how to make use of natural materials found locally in any area. It includes many primitive skills, and to these are added modern skills necessary for survival such as time and direction and the provision of more modern camp comforts and equipment. The practice of bushcraft develops in an individual a remarkable ability to adapt quickly to a changing environment. Because this is so, the activity is a valuable counter to today's specialisation, and it is particularly significant in youth training work. The author of "The 10 Bushcraft Books", Richard Graves, is a member of the Irish literary family of that name. He is also the author of: "Bushcraft: How to live in Jungle and Bush" "Survival Hints", a pamphlet which was included in all Allied jungle survival kits in the Pacific during WWII The Bushcraft Handbook "Ropes and Cords" The Bushcraft Handbook "Huts and Thatching" The Bushcraft Handbook "Bush Campcraft" The Bushcraft Handbook "Food and Water" The Bushcraft Handbook "Fire Making" The Bushcraft Handbook "Knots and Lashings" The Bushcraft Handbook "Traps and Tracking" The Bushcraft Handbook "Snares and Traps" The Bushcraft Handbook "Travel and Gear" The Bushcraft Handbook "Time and Direction" ...all authoritative works on bushcraft and the art of bush and jungle survival. An enthusiastic bushwalker, skier and pioneer of white-water canoeing, Richard Graves foresaw how a knowledge of bushcraft could save lives in the Second World War. To achieve this end, he initiated and led the Australian Jungle Rescue Detachment, assigned to the American Far East Air Force. This detachment of 60 specially selected A.I.F. soldiers successfully effected more than 300 rescue missions, most of which were in enemy-held territory, without failure of a mission or loss of a man. An essential preliminary for rescue is survival, and it was for this purpose that the notes for these books were written. These notes were later revised and prepared for a School in Bushcraft which was conducted for nearly 20 years. As far as is known, "The 10 Bushcraft Books" are unique. There is nothing quite like them, nor is any collection of bushcraft knowledge under one cover as comprehensive.

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