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Awaken Your Third Eye: How Accessing Your Sixth Sense Can Help You Find Knowledge, Illumination, and Intuition

Tekijä: Susan Shumsky

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1311,537,459 (5)-
Usually, you perceive the world by using your five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. But there is a sixth sense, an inner eye that can open the gateway to subtler realms of existence. Developing this inner eye will enable you to view a previously invisible world of multiple dimensions, spiritual planes filled with light, and alternate realities of indescribable wonders. This eye of wisdom, knowledge, illumination, and intuition is aptly named the third eye. Using the methods in Awaken Your Third Eye, you will learn how to develop supersensory perception, and how to use your third eye in your everyday life to receive guidance, healing, wisdom, inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awakening.… (lisätietoja)

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I found the initial chapters of this book somewhat challenging with all the scientific and ”technical” information it provides. Susan Shumsky is an extremely erudite author, and always expatiates on all aspects of the subject she is dealing with.

We are informed that fluoride can calcify the pineal gland, but that certain foods can aid in its decalcification, e.g. garlic, lemons, apple cider vinegar, hemp seeds, nigella sativa, seaweed, etc, etc. Obviously, we should avoid toothpaste containing fluoride.

In a chapter entitled “Overcoming psychic blocks” we are enlightened about psychic knots called granthis, one of which is in the third eye area. We are instructed as to how to remove these blocks by means of bandhas (muscular locks) and mudras (physical gestures that affect your body´s energy flow), but these exercises proved too difficult for me, unfortunately. (We are also told to consult with our physician before attempting to practice them or any of the exercises in the book, I understand that. But my physician, for one, would not have a clue about any of this!)

There is a chapter about developing one´s super-senses. This was easier. We are given a meditation in which we simply ask Spirit to help us open our third eye. This is very helpful. The material corresponds to that in Susan´s book “How to hear the voice of God”.

In another wonderful chapter we are informed about the Siddhis, the supernormal powers described in “Yoga Sutras”. Again we are instructed how to ask for these, one at a time. I was delighted with this chapter, though I have more basic things to ask for than the Siddhis!

Subsequently, there is another difficult chapter about Third Eye Alchemy, more precisely, the “dantians”, which are “vital centres for energy cultivation, diagnosis, and healing”, and a chapter about nectar, or soma, in our third eye. Susan states that the chemical DMT, produced by the pineal, might be a generator of spiritual or mystical experiences.

We´re then accorded breathing techniques for opening the third eye, and again warned to consult with our physician before attempting any of them. Susan also provides us with yoga asanas, or postures, with accompanying helpful diagrams. I´m still having to pass over all these various methods for opening the third eye. (I appreciated the method where you merely had to get into a meditative state, and ask for it to be opened!)

One of the best chapters, for me, was the one entitled “Third Eye Affirmations”. We are provided with excellent affirmations like those in my favourite book of Susan´s called “Miracle Prayer”, an indispensable book.

One short affirmation, called the Divine Light Invocation, by which to experience awakening of the third eye, is as follows:

I AM the divine light.
I AM the light of God.
The light of God fills and surrounds me now.
The light of God permeates me and floods me with peace.
The light of God infuses my being with radiance.
The light of God lifts me with its power and glory.
I AM glorified by the light of God,
Which vibrates within me and all around me.
Thank you, God, and SO IT IS.

While speaking this affirmation, we should imagine God´s light filling and surrounding us with divine power and glory.

We are gifted with various affirmations, including a third eye invocation and a “treatment” for opening your third eye.

In the next chapter we get instructions for doing Susan´s breakthrough session, as given in some of her other books. But I find the chapter in this book to be more specific.

Susan tells us that the Divine Revelation Meditation practice is a powerful way to open your third eye and develop clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities.

In one of the final chapters, we are provided with accounts of the exciting third eye experiences of some of Susan´s clients or readers.

To sum up, I would strongly recommend this immaculately written and erudite work, which suggests multifarious ways of opening the third eye, so there are at last a few that everyone can do! Good luck! ( )
  IonaS | Aug 16, 2015 |
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Usually, you perceive the world by using your five senses: sight, taste, smell, touch, and hearing. But there is a sixth sense, an inner eye that can open the gateway to subtler realms of existence. Developing this inner eye will enable you to view a previously invisible world of multiple dimensions, spiritual planes filled with light, and alternate realities of indescribable wonders. This eye of wisdom, knowledge, illumination, and intuition is aptly named the third eye. Using the methods in Awaken Your Third Eye, you will learn how to develop supersensory perception, and how to use your third eye in your everyday life to receive guidance, healing, wisdom, inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awakening.

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