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Tekijä: Charity Parkerson

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Hard Hit (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
234992,060 (3.39)-
Shayne thinks he has nothing left to lose...On his way home after losing his job, Shayne's bad day goes farther downhill when a truck slams into him. The sexy man who pulls him from the wreckage, seeing him at his lowest, is either the best or worst thing to happen to Shayne in a long time.Challenge accepted...While Lincoln feels guilty for totaling Shayne's car, he can't regret having met the man. Something about Shayne calls to him on a new level and brings out a side in him even Lincoln can't explain.When these two opposites collide it's only a matter a time before one falls.Shayne's first love will always be hockey. With the out-of-work goalie on the hunt for a new team, Lincoln knows their time together is short-lived. It'll take a veteran player to sneak past the guard on Lincoln's heart, but Shayne is up for the fight.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Awesome writing I need more more ( )
  elaine2021 | May 17, 2021 |
Awesome writing I need more more ( )
  foxelaine | May 25, 2018 |
I was unable to connect with the characters. This story wasn't for me, but most seem to really like it so it may just be me. The guys instantly fell for each other and started dreaming about being with the other. I just didn't have time to make the connection I guess. Again most love the book so it's very possible that you will too. ( )
  ToniFGMAMTC | Jan 19, 2017 |
Shayne Smith has had a horrible day, after ten years, he was let go from his minor-league hockey team. Then on his way home a truck smashes into his car. Lincoln Linette feels responsible for hitting Shayne’s car; he is compelled to stick by him after the accident.

Collide is a great start to this new series by Charity Parkerson.

My heart really went out to Shayne. Talk about bad days. He loves hockey and to be let go from a team you were with for ten years would be an ultimate emotional letdown. To top it off he gets in a car accident, which ends up being a blessing in disguise because he meets Lincoln. I love Shayne’s attitude, which is in line with a lot of goalies I know. They seem to be good at not letting things get to them and moving forward. I like that he brings out a less serious side of Lincoln.

I respect Lincoln for looking after Shayne. Okay I know he has ulterior motives, but they did have an awkward start. As a doctor, it is no wonder that he is concerned for his health, but he goes way beyond what would be expected of anyone in their situation. He is hard working to a fault and good at his job. I like that he lightens up after meeting Shane.

I like that Shayne and Lincoln instantly hit it off, despite Lincoln hitting Shayne’s car. It probably helped that Shayne is so laid back, and Lincoln is nurturing.

Charity Parkerson did a great job with the plot fitting in a lot of information into this short story. There are some other things going on with the novella that will nicely lead into the next book in the series (Grady and Ryker’s story). Collide was an enjoyable quick read.

A gifted copy was provided for an honest review. ( )
  dlynch | Aug 3, 2015 |
näyttää 4/4
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Shayne thinks he has nothing left to lose...On his way home after losing his job, Shayne's bad day goes farther downhill when a truck slams into him. The sexy man who pulls him from the wreckage, seeing him at his lowest, is either the best or worst thing to happen to Shayne in a long time.Challenge accepted...While Lincoln feels guilty for totaling Shayne's car, he can't regret having met the man. Something about Shayne calls to him on a new level and brings out a side in him even Lincoln can't explain.When these two opposites collide it's only a matter a time before one falls.Shayne's first love will always be hockey. With the out-of-work goalie on the hunt for a new team, Lincoln knows their time together is short-lived. It'll take a veteran player to sneak past the guard on Lincoln's heart, but Shayne is up for the fight.

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