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The Lost Legends of New Jersey

Tekijä: Frederick Reiken

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1591173,752 (3.3)2
Romeo and Juliet in northern New Jersey? Yiddish constellations in Asbury Park? A garbage dump in the Meadowlands that's filled with old musical instruments from a high school marching band? Love and sex, hockey and snorkeling, a family that is falling apart despite the best intentions-this is what Frederick Reiken has delivered in his brilliant second novel. But the real subject is true love, the one and only-known in Yiddish as b'shert. Anthony Rubin, the young protagonist, isn't sure whether he's found it with his neighbor, Juliette, daughter of a reputed Mafioso. His mother, who quits the family after her husband's affair with a neighbor, doesn't believe in true love at all. But his father does, and so does Anthony's grandpa, who meets the love of his life at 78. Reiken is known for creating characters you feel you've known all your life, for mapping landscapes with profound intimacy and wonder. The Lost Legends of New Jersey is a rich, resonant book, filled with joy as well as heartbreak, and the extraordinary magic that can arise within ordinary lives.… (lisätietoja)

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THE LOST LEGENDS of NEW JERSEY is a coming of age novel that is kind of all over the place as it covers the early 1980s high school years of Jewish hockey whiz, Anthony Rubin, with scattered echoes of Romeo and Juliet, The Godfather, and I'm really not sure what else. The "lost legends" of the title seem to be a number of central characters here - philandering, bipolar parents, horny teens, a widowed grandfather - or maybe actual Jersey legends, like Springsteen or the doctor-poet William Carlos Williams. Anthony's father is a failed clarinetist-doctor, after all. There is a large, somewhat unwieldy cast of characters here, but all are fascinating and finely drawn, and Anthony himself anchors them into a kind of awkward plot unity that keeps you reading. Although I sometimes wondered where it was all going, I never got bored, and, ultimately, well, I just enjoyed the hell out of these thoroughly messy lives, and left them feeling that Anthony was gonna turn out okay. Very highly recommended.

- Tim Bazzett, author of the memoir, BOOKLOVER ( )
  TimBazzett | Oct 18, 2019 |
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The day my mother left Livingston, New Jersey, she threw rocks through most of Claudia Berkowitz's windows.
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Romeo and Juliet in northern New Jersey? Yiddish constellations in Asbury Park? A garbage dump in the Meadowlands that's filled with old musical instruments from a high school marching band? Love and sex, hockey and snorkeling, a family that is falling apart despite the best intentions-this is what Frederick Reiken has delivered in his brilliant second novel. But the real subject is true love, the one and only-known in Yiddish as b'shert. Anthony Rubin, the young protagonist, isn't sure whether he's found it with his neighbor, Juliette, daughter of a reputed Mafioso. His mother, who quits the family after her husband's affair with a neighbor, doesn't believe in true love at all. But his father does, and so does Anthony's grandpa, who meets the love of his life at 78. Reiken is known for creating characters you feel you've known all your life, for mapping landscapes with profound intimacy and wonder. The Lost Legends of New Jersey is a rich, resonant book, filled with joy as well as heartbreak, and the extraordinary magic that can arise within ordinary lives.

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