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Fresh Made Simple: A Naturally Delicious Way to Eat: Look, Cook, and Savor

Tekijä: Lauren K. Stein

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1821,202,773 (4)-
There's never been a cookbook like it! Each of the 75 recipes in Fresh Made Simple is actually a charming full-page illustration showing how to make the dish described. Each meal or snack begins with one delicious ingredient, and the cook builds around that to make a simple, elegant, delicious creation. An avocado seasoned with lime and salt elevates a fried egg on toast; fresh-picked blueberries and an ear of corn add sweetness and texture to standard pancakes. From pineapple cilantro salsa and asparagus apple salad to a kale egg scramble, tortilla soup, and crostini, these easy recipes celebrate the unbeatable flavors of fresh ingredients.  … (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatChantaviaV, JillianT, jj24, annaegentry, TheQwerty, Jasmin64

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näyttää 2/2
Although many people self-identify as "foodies" today, that's not a word I'd use to describe myself. I try to stay away from processed food, and generally enjoy my food fresh, easy, and made by someone else. Some people live to eat. I eat to live.

Enter Lauren Keiper Stein's enticing new cookbook "Fresh Made Simple". I loved this little book of uncomplicated recipes which are actually whimsical illustrations rather than step-by-step written directions. I've never seen anything like it. The illustrations provide a guideline -- a little bit of this, a little bit of that -- for quick, nutritious, colorful treats. Yum!

4 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storey Publishing for a galley of this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  jj24 | May 27, 2024 |
75 delightful brightly colored watercolor illustrations of simple tasty recipes can be found in this cheerful cookbook. I can see looking through the pages and discussing the ingredients and recipes with my three and four year old granddaughters and then choosing a few to make and eat with them. There are simple recipes that I have made before but also some that mix and match ingredients that I would not have thought to put together without first seeing them in this book.

This book is not your typical cookbook with orderly lists of ingredients and photographs of completed recipes but instead a delight to the eye. As I looked through the pages I wanted to reach out, grab the items and start cooking.

Some of the recipes that called to me include - but are not limited to: Scrambled Eggs with Chives and Goat Cheese, Soy Ginger dressing, Pea Puree on Linguine, Red Water, Apple Manchego Salad, Crostini, Veggie Cream Cheese, Egg Avocado Toast, Stuffed Figs, the cheese plates and more than one of the ice cream mixtures.

Thank you to Net Galley and Storey Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book. ( )
  CathyGeha | Jul 20, 2015 |
näyttää 2/2
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There's never been a cookbook like it! Each of the 75 recipes in Fresh Made Simple is actually a charming full-page illustration showing how to make the dish described. Each meal or snack begins with one delicious ingredient, and the cook builds around that to make a simple, elegant, delicious creation. An avocado seasoned with lime and salt elevates a fried egg on toast; fresh-picked blueberries and an ear of corn add sweetness and texture to standard pancakes. From pineapple cilantro salsa and asparagus apple salad to a kale egg scramble, tortilla soup, and crostini, these easy recipes celebrate the unbeatable flavors of fresh ingredients.  

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