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Come Away with Me (2015)

Tekijä: Karma Brown

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
11611234,598 (3.39)-
Fiction. Literature. HTML:"[F]ull of lush locations, memorable characters, and a turn of events that is nothing short of jaw-dropping." â??Taylor Jenkins Reid, author of Daisy Jones & The Six
An unexpected journey leads one woman to discover that life after loss is possible in this emotional novel from the bestselling author of Recipe for a Perfect Wife.
One minute, Tegan Lawson has everything she could hope for: an adoring husband, Gabe, and a baby on the way. The next, a patch of black ice causes a life-altering, devastating accident. Tegan is consumed by griefâ??not to mention anger toward Gabe, who was driving on the night of the crash.
Just when she thinks she's hit rock bottom, Gabe reminds her of their Jar of Spontaneity, a collection of their dream destinations, and so begins an adventure of a lifetime. From the bustling markets of Thailand to the flavors of Italy to the ocean waves in Hawaii, Tegan and Gabe embark on a journey to escape the tragedy and search for forgiveness. But they soon learn that grief follows you no matter how far away you run, and that acceptance comes when you least expect it. Heartbreaking, hopeful and utterly transporting, Come Away with Me is a luminous celebration of the strength of the human spirit.
Previously publ
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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 11) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I had the book's "shocking" ending figured out by the end of the first chapter. While the emotional element of the book was powerful and the writing was good, it's really just "The Sixth Sense" based on a different type of tragedy. If the accident scene ended just a bit more mysteriously, I would've been captivated; instead, it was way too obvious to me what was really going on, and that made the whole book feel like fuckery. DNF. Pffftt. ( )
  jenmanullang | Jun 14, 2023 |

DNF at page 147, but then I went and read some other reviews to try and figure out why this had been so highly rated and saw "twist" "twist" "twist" so I went and read the twist.

This book was insufferable. I am two-starring it instead of one merely because I didn't finish it so maybe it did get better, but I was trying so hard and you know, I have too many library books I really need to read right now to waste time on this.

Tegan is perpetually bemoaning how she will (spoiler of first two pages alert) never have children again, which yes, is very upsetting and tragic, but I decided I was done when she literally says that the only reason she as a woman exists is to have children, and I just cannot. Maybe I'm unsympathetic because I don't want kids, but come on. I could even argue from an evolutionary standpoint that a woman could be useful without having kids, so just don't.

I was enjoying the flashbacks. I think I needed more earlier to care about Tegan's misfortunes.

(Though the twist is actually what I thought had happened, so I was a little confused when it didn't happen. So I guess I should have read the end and then the flashbacks and maybe then I would have liked this?) ( )
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |
This is a debut novel by Karma Brown about a woman, Tegan, who loses her unborn baby in a car accident while her husband, Gabe, was driving. She had to undergo surgery and, as a result, will no longer be able to have a baby. She blames Gabe for the accident and grieves for months afterward, is unable to return to her teaching job, and refuses to go on with her life.

Eventually Gabe talks Tegan into going on a trip to Thailand, Italy, and Hawaii which are places they had on their bucket list. He hopes that a change in scenery and doing some specific things in each location will help her recover.

I have mixed feelings about this book. First, the cons: Tegan was agonizing throughout the book. I felt guilty for not liking her after the loss she had experienced, but all the grief and sadness wore me down. There were way too many flashbacks, some of which I didn't consider necessary, but they helped the author make the book longer.

The pros: I loved the visits to the three places. The author did a nice job with the descriptions, landscaping, and activities chosen for each location even though I've only been to Hawaii. I've always liked to read about other people's travels and these were especially interesting, very well-done.

The twist at the end was mind-blowing. I didn't see it coming and, at first, didn't know what to think. In a way, I felt tricked, but glad that it all came together in the end. ( )
  pegmcdaniel | Oct 19, 2021 |
Beautifully written and intriguing. Took my breath away towards the end, quite unexpected. ( )
  jamireads | Aug 7, 2021 |
"Come Away with Me" was a touching story of love, loss and recovery. My heart bled for Tegan after the loss of her baby in a horrific car crash. However, the blame and resentment she directed at her husband, Gabe, often made me lose patience with her. Her repetitious spirals into despair and depression also started to annoy me, especially when she refused to take her medication, even though she promised those who loved her she would do so while on vacation.

I adored Gabe. I thought he was so supportive and loving of Tegan and cared for her through thick and thin. There were moments when he tried to lighten the mood, keep the peace and help Tegan move forward. It was impossible not to fall a bit in love with him. I also liked both Tegan's and Gabe's families. Tegan's two brothers were extremely funny but their concern for their sister was touching.

The locations Tegan and Gabe visited to help them cope with their loss were beautiful. I especially loved the descriptions of Bangkok and Italy - riding on a elephant, watching the elephants paint (I've wanted an elephant artwork for years) and taking an Italian cooking class using the freshest ingredients. They all sounded so much fun. I felt as though I was Gabe and Tegan's constant travel companion.

I also liked how the author took the reader back before the accident to see Tegan and Gabe together before tragedy struck them. They were so much in love and the perfect couple.

As for the twist at the end - I did not see that coming at all! Although, reflecting back, it made perfect sense and made the novel even more heartbreaking than it was already. An excellent debut. ( )
  HeatherLINC | Mar 27, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 11) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Epigrafi (motto tai mietelause kirjan alussa)
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.  --From a headstone in Ireland
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
For Adam & Addison, the greatest loves of my life.  And to anyone who has been handed the proverbial lemons of life and made lemonade with them, this book is also for you.
Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Even now, the smell of peppermint still makes me cry...
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fiction. Literature. HTML:"[F]ull of lush locations, memorable characters, and a turn of events that is nothing short of jaw-dropping." â??Taylor Jenkins Reid, author of Daisy Jones & The Six
An unexpected journey leads one woman to discover that life after loss is possible in this emotional novel from the bestselling author of Recipe for a Perfect Wife.
One minute, Tegan Lawson has everything she could hope for: an adoring husband, Gabe, and a baby on the way. The next, a patch of black ice causes a life-altering, devastating accident. Tegan is consumed by griefâ??not to mention anger toward Gabe, who was driving on the night of the crash.
Just when she thinks she's hit rock bottom, Gabe reminds her of their Jar of Spontaneity, a collection of their dream destinations, and so begins an adventure of a lifetime. From the bustling markets of Thailand to the flavors of Italy to the ocean waves in Hawaii, Tegan and Gabe embark on a journey to escape the tragedy and search for forgiveness. But they soon learn that grief follows you no matter how far away you run, and that acceptance comes when you least expect it. Heartbreaking, hopeful and utterly transporting, Come Away with Me is a luminous celebration of the strength of the human spirit.
Previously publ

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Keskiarvo: (3.39)
1 1
2 5
3 5
3.5 3
4 9
4.5 2
5 2

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